Now that I’m done running myself into the ground…literally…I can finally focus on other sports! So far, at my new gym, I’ve been to two classes. The first was a weight lifting class that was pretty good (I’ve had better) but it did feel like a good enough workout. We used weights, swiss balls, resistance bands, and our own body weight to work out each major muscle group. I was a little sore afterwards…but since I’m clearly a sick person (hence the marathon running) I like to be really sore afterwards! I know you can have a good workout without being sore, but I still like that feeling!
The other class I took was a Yoga Basics class. For some reason, when I go to a yoga class, I always think it’s going to be too easy. Like I’m some super athlete who can do anything! Seriously, who do I think I am? I am certainly not a super athlete…or a yogini. So, every time I actually go to a yoga class, I am reminded how hard it is. I am so unbelievably inflexible, holding basic stretches makes me shake. I know (at least I’m sure) going to yoga on a regular basis will help loosen up my muscle’s that become so stiff from running. It just comes down to that saying, everything in moderation.
Anyway, the Yoga Basics class I did practiced the fundamentals of Hatha Yoga. Well, if you’re like me and new to yoga, you’re probably wondering what Hatha yoga is…maybe you’re curious about all types of yoga? I know I’ve heard of a bunch of different types and have take different classes. But I still don’t know enough about it to distinguish between the types. So, here’s a yoga breakdown!
Hatha Yoga
I found a great description of Hatha yoga, “Hatha is the ice cream if styles like ashtanga and Bikram are vanilla and chocolate chip,” (Women’s Health). So, it basically encompasses parts from every type of yoga. I get the impression it’s a pretty basic yoga course that features some classic yoga poses like going through sun salutations, warrior 1, 2, etc. Not only do you focus on the exercises but your breathing is also very important. Eventually, you’ll be able to combine your breath and movement so they flow naturally. I’m not at that point yet…I still throw myself around violently during the classes…not exactly “flowing.” Hatha yoga is great for anyone though so no matter what level you’re at, it’s a good place to start!
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga or Ashtanga Vinyasa seems to be a little more difficult than Hatha. It involves 6 strenuous pose sequences: primary series, secondary series, etc. Ashtanga flows rapidly from each pose to the next, also incorporating correct breathing (inhales and exhales flow with the poses). I believe Ashtanga and Power Yoga are similar. I think the difference is Power Yoga doesn’t stick to the same poses each time. This type of yoga isn’t as much of a “stress reducer,” it’s more of a weight loss yoga. Since you’re constantly moving from one difficult post to the next, it gets your heart pumping so there is some cardio incorporated in the class. So, if you’re looking for a good sweat, Ashtanga might be for you. If you want to relax and work on flexibility, stick with Hatha.
Bikram Yoga
Bikram is the sweatiest of all the yoga classes. I’ve taken this class a couple times and the reason it’s so sweaty is the room is cranked up to about 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity. That’s pretty hot! I remember the first time I took it the teacher asked me if I was okay because I was beet red…and yes, I was okay. I wasn’t great…but I was okay. The class consists of a series of 26 yoga poses each performed twice. If you feel like you don’t get a good workout if you don’t work up a sweat, this might be the yoga class for you. You are guaranteed to work up a sweat even if you just sit in child’s pose the whole time. This is another great class for weight loss purposes-you burn quite a bit of calories in that heat. The heat loosens you up so working on your flexibility isn’t so daunting. You just have to be careful you don’t push it too far and pull a muscle.
There are so many other types of yoga too! Those are just a couple of the mainstream classes out there.
And now a yoga type I’d like to try….
Hip Hop Yoga
I love the idea of hip hop yoga! Basically, it’s a yoga class with a little dance, set to hip hop music. This to me, sounds like the perfect yoga class. I’ve talked about this before, but I took a yoga class in Scottsdale with one of my friends (I think it was just a basic class maybe like Hatha), but the teacher played hip hop music. It was so fun! I’ve never been in a class where the teacher played anything outside of meditation music or none at all. I think all yoga classes should play music like this. I’ve searched in Cleveland already but there don’t seem to be any hip hop yoga classes…sad! I guess I’ll just have to move to California or Boston!
Do you take yoga? What type is your favorite?
Loved this post! I’ve recently resumed my practice, and can relate to how you feel in class. “I’m not at that point yet…I still throw myself around violently during the classes…not exactly “flowing.”- this is exactly how I feel!! LOL I know we’ll both get better with practice. It’s kind of like blossoming to me.
Hip Hop Yoga sounds really cool…haven’t heard of it before reading.
Hey Amy! Glad to hear you are enjoying exploring yoga more. Tracie and I just took a hip hop class last night actually and it KICKED OUR BUTTS royally! Hope Cleveland’s treating you well and that you are getting all settled in. I’ve never done yoga there, so when I’m home visiting this summer you and I should go to a class.
I love the vinyasa flow hot yoga. Not as intense as bikram (heat wise). Hip hop yoga sounds FUN!
I think if I had the money for it, I’d take yoga classes. Instead, I just do the basic stretches(?) on occasion. I remember when I was like 10, I bought a yoga for kids book. Lol gosh that’s so geeky, isnt it?
hah thats cute! i know it sounds really fun to actually go to a yoga gym…but then i think that’s all i would do bc its kinda expensive. so i just joined a regular gym with a few yoga classes..they’re pretty basic though..but im very new so i guess thats all i need!