Keeping up with the theme of this week’s post about happy and healthy body weight, I’ve been working on motivation. I know it’s only been a few days, but like I said, I’ve taken things one day at a time and really focused on healthy eating. I’m actually pretty proud of myself and the choices I’ve made so far. For example, since I’m working at a bakery, we constantly have samples laying out ranging from scones to brownies to banana bread (I love banana bread). Normally, I’d steal a bite any time I could. But not the last few days. I looked those sugar cookies right in their delicious red frosting and said, “no thanks, I’m good.” No samples for me!
Samples and little bites here and there always seem innocent, don’t they? Unfortunately, they still include calories (they really shouldn’t) so they add up. Having a couple little bites of brownies, cookies, and cakes throughout the day definitely adds up. I’m not saying I’ll never eat a sweet again, because I will. I love it way too much to never touch it again, and let’s be honest, we only live once. It’s worth trying new, delicious foods…I’m just learning to love it within reason.
I feel pretty good and confident right now, and by “right now” I mean today, this moment. It changes day to day. In order to stay motivated I’m always seeking out inspiration. Here are a couple things that keep me motivated to want to work out and want to eat healthy. It’s nice to have a backup plan when your thoughts start to wonder over to what that cookie might taste like…
Obviously, I’m a fan of blogs. I think I really like reading blogs because most people are so easy to relate to. It’s nice to read posts, advice, and recommendations from people just like me. As much as I love magazines, much of that world is fantasy. Seeing real girls workout, eat healthy, lose weight and reach their goals is very inspiring. Here are a couple blog’s ( I read like, a million) that I’m loving right now!
Running on Hungry– Kristine lives in San Francisco and chronicles all the awesome things that city has to offer! It makes me miss living in such a vibrant place. She shares the best of the city by the bay ranging from food to exercise. She posts all the time too which I love!
What Runs Lori– Lori features great workouts! I can always count on her blog for new exercise ideas. She also has great recipes that are always healthy like black bean pancakes with mango cream filling…how awesome is that?
One Fit Foodie- This is another blog with great workout ideas! Naomi actually competed in a bikini fitness competition so she definitely knows how to eat right and exercise effectively. I love reading her top food picks and recipes she recommends because I know they’re healthy!
Those are only a few blogs I love. There are so many great blogs out there, if you need inspiration, just look around!
Okay, I know this magazine looks a little scary at first. You might think it’s a magazine for bodybuilder types, it sort of is, but not really. I’m not a bodybuilder and I love it! It has great workouts, really healthy recipes, and at least it has models with muscles!
This magazine is a little more “girly ” than Oxygen so it has some beauty and style sections mixed in with the workouts and recipes. That being said, it also has great workouts that are always tough. It also has recipes that are healthy and delicious. Sometimes Oxygen recipes can be a little expensive, so Women’s Health has some good alternatives.
Those are my two favorites fitness magazines. Sometimes I read Shape, Fitness, and Self but I think I get more out of Oxygen and Women’s Health. I also read about a billion fashion magazines, but I’ll save those for a different post.
Finally, there is one book I look at for inspiration. If you feel lost in the gym, I totally recommend this book. It has SO many exercises and it has circuit routines already put together for you, so if you’re feeling indecisive, just pick one! A couple routines I’ve done are the Spartacus (SO hard) and the hard body (clearly need to do that more since I’m currently a “soft body”). They even have routines for losing pregnancy weight.
It’s the The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercisesand it is awesome.
I have a couple other weight lifting books for women but by far, this is the best (no one told me to say any of these things by the way, they are all my opinion. But if anyone out there wants to give me free stuff I’m cool with that too).
Those are a couple tools I use to keep myself motivated. It’s nice there are so many different places to find inspiration. I think my favorite overall though, are blogs. I highly recommend them. 🙂
How do you stay motivated and inspired?
I agree that blogs definitely help! I also have a nice hanger thing for my race medals that I walk by a few times per day — it reminds me of what I’ve accomplished and helps me think of goals for the future.
I like Oxygen, too. I know it sounds scary as well…but I learn a lot from bodybuilding magazines because my boyfriend is a bodybuilder. Whatever keeps ya motivated and movin’, right?! 🙂
definitely! I just trust those people because obviously they know what works!
The biggest Loser when it is on. I LOVE THAT SHOW.
also I like to work out with others ( sometimes)
Tyler jsut watched this movie, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. He said it was awesome. so maybe check that one out on netflix play instantly
the biggest loser is a good one, except when it makes me cry hah.
ill definitely check out the documentary! I’m surprised we havent seen it yet thats basically all we do hah. we’re really cool.
You are so awesome! I love this post (and not just because you like my blog. lol). It’s honest and living in the moment, how you feel in the moment. I think we all go through that. Some days I can take on the world. Others I feel like I want to hide in a hole.
I’ll have to check those blogs out thx for sharing
Well thank you! 🙂 I’ve been loving your posts (well I always love them) but even more so lately because you’re so honest and open and you talk and write about things we ALL think about and go through! Keep it up! (And also keep all of your Zara finds up, I LOVE them! I can’t stop thinking about that leather jacket!)