I’m basically on a roll these days when it comes to Paleo recipes. Sort of ironic, considering I’m not following Paleo. Anyway, I actually had this meal planned a few weeks back but my Trader Joe’s chicken ruined it for me (aka rotten..ew). This time around, I could’t find boneless, skinless chicken thighs so I just bought chicken breasts.
This recipe looked amazing and so simple, I love simple!
“Breaded” Baked Chicken
(from Everyday Paleo)
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup almond meal (you actually can find almond meal at TJ’s, but if you don’t have that near you, you can just grind up almonds).
- 1 cup coconut flour
- 1 tbsp garlic powder
- black pepper to taste
- 2 lbs. chicken breasts (or actually supposed to be boneless, skinless thighs)
- coconut oil (or any other oil)
In one bowl, I mixed the almond meal, coconut flour, garlic powder, and pepper. In another bowl, I whisked up the eggs.
Next, I dipped a piece of chicken in the eggs, then into the almond/coconut mix. I placed the “breaded” chicken in a greased pan and baked at 350 for about 45 minutes.
These turned out pretty good but never really browned the way I wanted them to. Maybe that’s because they aren’t really breaded..or maybe I should have cooked them longer. I’m always scared with chicken that it will come out dry but this actually wasn’t too bad. I did use some dijon mustard on the side so that always helps.
Yes, it’s from Trader Joe’s. I admit, TJ’s is good for sauces and other packaged goods…just not chicken..or produce..okay I’ll stop before I go on a tangent.
I served the chicken up with roasted broccoli, zucchini, and some watermelon.
I’ve never actually bought a whole watermelon. Usually, I buy the pre-cut watermelon because..well, I’m lazy. This time I bought a half watermelon. I’m not quite ready for the entire thing but I’m almost there!
Overall it was a pretty good dinner! Except for the serious burn I received when taking these babies out of the oven.
Yea, things get pretty crazy in my kitchen. No messin’ around here.
I think I burn myself everyday on something. I remember in middle school in home ec class, someone dropped a pan of boiling water and it landed on my ankle. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. My skin started bubbling, (I’m sure you guys enjoy this) it was awful!!
Have you ever been badly burned?
The chicken looks great — I love baked chicken. I too get nervous about drying the meat out but its better than having undercooked chicken (yuck!)
I haven’t ever been badly burned — but I’ve gotten small burns on my forearms from taking stuff out of the oven.
Gosh! That’s a bad owie!
When I was little, my mom and I used to make hot chocolate on the stove. One night, I didn’t believe her that the burner was hot so I placed my entire hand on it and held it down. It was actually New Year’s Eve so I spent the entire evening holding my poor little hand in a cup of ice. That sure taught me to listen about hot stuff! lol.
I burn myself about once a week! You would think I would learn, but I am always in such a hurry.
I completely agree with you regarding Trader Joe’s produce and meats–stay away. However, their packaged goods can be pretty great–do not even get me started on the amazingness of their chocolate chips! ๐ ๐
Ouch! That doesn’t look like it was fun at all. I’m such a sissy when it comes to pain like burns.
And love the way you “breaded” that chicken!
I want to try this chicken! Sounds really good!
What a great idea! I have some almond meal sitting in my cabinet just begging to be used!
And OUCH on the burn! I’ve never been burned too badly but remember the curling iron burns from high school? I would burn the crap out of my neck and have to defend myself against people who thought it was a hickey!
This looks great. I was scooting around looking for a nice easy paleo chicken recipe and found this. Will be trying tonight with drumsticks…then I have leftovers for hubby’s lunch. Cheers!