So, technically these are called cupcakes, but there’s something about associating cupcakes with savory foods, doesn’t sit well with me. I recently bought a Paleo cookbook off Amazon because the more I read about it, the more I’m intrigued. There’s a part of me that thinks Paleo is actually doable. If not 100% doable, at least 80%, which I personally think is good enough.
The book (and most Paleo fans) advocates trying it for at least 30 days, then deciding whether or not it’s for you. I think I might try this..maybe start on Monday? I’ll update you more on that later. Initially, Paleo sounded way too hard and not realistic at all, but the more I read about the “diet” or lifestyle, the more I want to try it. I’ve talked to a few bloggers and other “normal” people who eat this way and love it. That’s actually given me some hope and motivation: If those “real” people can do it, why can’t I?
Anyway, more on that later. Whether or not I do Paleo, I think this is a great cookbook. The recipes are easy and look really delicious and healthy. I made up some egg “cupcakes” today for early morning breakfasts. They’re convenient, filling (high in protein), and delicious!
I made a few changes, here’s what I used:
Paleo Egg Muffins
- 8 eggs
- 1 zucchini squash
- half a green pepper
- 2 1/2 cups spinach
- 5 slices of bacon
- 1 cup roasted red and yellow peppers (I used some out of a jar)
- Salt and pepper to taste
This made 12 muffins. The originally recipe yields between 18-20 muffins. The original recipe also says to use your food processor, which unfortunately for me, is currently in storage. So, I had to chop up every thing in tiny little pieces by hand. It was pretty annoying, especially when I got to the bacon. Turns out, bacon doesn’t cut so well especially with crappy hotel knives (I miss my stuff!).
Anyway, it took a while, but everything got chopped up!
Mmm bacon..
I mixed up everything and poured about a 1/4 cup of the mix in a cupcake pan (greased).
I baked the cupcakes, or muffins, for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
They came out perfectly!
These are really good! I guess anything with bacon usually turns out tasty. I love the idea of them too: a healthy, convenient breakfast! I will definitely make them regularly when I get my food processor back, otherwise it’s pretty time consuming. I’m sure I’ll make them again while we’re here, but probably not every week. They are really good though, so I recommend them if you have an easy way of chopping up the food.
What’s your go-to breakfast?
holy yum, those look so good!! I’d totally make those (and probably will while I’m on vaca from work next week)! My go-to is usually oatmeal with yummies stirred in (today was epic – irish oats with chopped warmed apples, cinnamon, nutmeg and peanut butter, mmm) or a bagel thin with pb and banana slices on top. I usually do scrambled eggs and toast on the weekends though, yum! I’m a big breakfast person, clearly. haha
Wow that’s a cool idea. And I think you’re safe with calling them muffins….what’s the difference between a muffin and a cup cake anyways?
My go to breakfast is whole wheat toast, peanut butter, and a nice glass of milk. Mmm, makes me want to go back and get some m ore breakfast!
wow they look good although i would add Quorn instead of bacon. Its weird i have never made savoury muffins, I always associate muffins with sweetness. haah
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Love Jess xx
I kind of made something similar but in pancake form, haha!It’s basically the exact same thing only different veggies and no muffin cups. These look a lot easier to travel with though. I’m interested to see what else you find in that book! 🙂
oh I’ve made those before!! So so good! but I call like eggins. haha. like muffins and eggs!
good name!! i like eggins more than muffins..or cupcakes haha.
This is one of the suggested breakfasts we were given for mike while he is doing p90x. You can make a ton and freeze them which is nice and they are so good for on the go. So many different veggies you could add! May have to make these next week as a quick breakfast once the baby is here!
yeah its pretty awesome!! definitely easier with a food processor or something..but i had two this morning with a banana and was full for a long time!
Fabulous idea! I could totally see myself making a batch of these on a Sunday night and having breakfast ready to re-heat all week!
My go-to is always a smoothie because it’s thirst quenching and hunger-satiating!
I’ve been thinking about getting this cookbook and you might have just convinced me! Also, I’ve been trying to incorporate more paleo meals into my diet. Right now I’m trying to do a paleo meal for dinner and try to have paleo snacks. A lot of people around me are doing a 30 day paleo challenge and loving it so far. Let me know if you decide to do it and how you feel!!
I ordered Sarah’s book when it first came out and have been using it ever since… Love the podcasts and I am leaning a lot! I love the muffins and I make them with turkey sausage for a change up rather than just bacon.