I was browsing through the Everyday Paleo book when something out of the ordinary caught my eye: meatloaf. I’ve never been a fan of meatloaf. There’s something about it that seems..unnatural. To me, anything in loaf form should be sweet, chewy, warm, and full of bad carbs (mm drooling). Meat, as a loaf, is an odd concept to me. Who is the person who thought, “No bread today…instead, I shall make a loaf of meat.” Weird.
So, basically meatloaf weirds me out. I read this recipe though and I couldn’t think of a reason it would taste bad. It’s ground beef, which I like, mixed with onions, basil, tomato paste, and some seasonings. I like all those things, so how could this be bad? I then read some reviews from people who have tried this actual recipe and they said it was delicious. So I made me some meatloaf for dinner last night.
Everyday Meatloaf (in case you can’t see the ingredients)
- 2 lbs. lean ground beef
- 1 cup almond meal (you can grind up your own almonds or buy almond meal from Trader Joe’s)
- 2 eggs
- 1 can (6oz.) of tomato paste
- 1 red onion, diced
- 3 garlic cloves, diced
- 1/2 tbsp sea salt
- 1/2 cup of fresh basil
- 1 tsp marjoram (I didn’t have this so I used a pinch of italian seasoning)
- 2 tsp of black pepper
Just mix everything together and place meat mixture into (greased) loaf pans. I used 2, regular sized loaf pans.

Yes, this beef is from Trader Joe’s. It was bought before my TJ’s rant…luckily it wasn’t rancid.
Okay, so it’s still weird to me. Meat…as a loaf…I don’t get it.
Anyway, cook those babies at 350 for about an hour or until it’s cooked in the middle.
What a beauty!
So, meatloaf makes for unattractive pictures.
It turned out pretty good. It was really easy and made enough that we have plenty of leftovers today! It’s kind of funny how the shape of the dish weirds me out. It certainly doesn’t effect the taste so I got over it pretty quickly, it’s just weird!
Every time I see or think of meatloaf (which isn’t often), it always reminds me of Wedding Crashers, which makes me laugh. So, at least I got that goin’ for me. Hey Ma! Meatloaf!!
Do you love any foods that are..um…unattractive? How do you feel about meatloaf?
I agree with the whole loaf concept.. it seems a bit off 😉 This recipe does sound good! And I do like the taste of meatloaf.
I’ve cooked mini loafs in a muffin pan, which I really like because I like the crusty edges!
I love meatloaf! I’ve been craving it like crazy but no one will let me make it. You’re not the only one who isn’ta fan of meat in loaf form. 😉
I have to say that I love meatloaf but I’ve only eaten it several times in my life. (I’m filipino so we didn’t eat that stuff) My husband, however, ate meatloaf growing up and HATES it now. So, I can’t make meatloaf at home. 🙁
I love meatloaf, but then I rarely shape it into a ‘loaf’ I usually double a recipe and smoosh it into a cake pan…I guess I make meatcake. Oh, that’s just wrong.
Meatloaf kind of grosses me out! lol. My grandma makes this stuff at Christmas called ham loaf and it is ground ham, pineapple, and I dunno what else. Everyone in my family just raves about it but it is awful and has tainted my opinion on all other loaves. lol.
Lovin’ the Paleo posts. Keep ’em coming, friend. :p It’s interesting to see how everyone adjusts to make this work for them. Oh…and the canned coconut milk- WAY more calories because it’s the real deal, but it’s also very filling. I make a smoothie with water, ice, 1/4-1/2C coconut milk, spinach and some berries. Yum.
do you use the canned or regular coconut milk?
Can you believe I have never had meatloaf?
how have you managed to avoid meatloaf your whole life? thats pretty impressive.
I have been thinking about making this. On a scale from 1-10 what would you rank it? I think I like meatloaf…I actually do not remember the last time I had it. Maybe I will make meatloaf “hamburgers.” It may be a bit better looking. 🙂
umm maybe a 7. i think burgers would be an awesome idea!! i have a ton of leftovers and i think im gonna add some tomatoes and avocados to spice it up a little.