I have been eyeing this recipe for quite some time now. I’m really loving the use of chickpeas in otherwise unhealthy, sugary recipes. It sounds so weird at first, but trust me, you can’t tell! The chickpeas just give these recipes a great texture, the taste is not overbearing at all.
I originally found the recipe on Pinterest (duh) which took me to Chocolate-Covered Katie’s blog. Her blog, by the way, is dangerous. There are so many yummy looking treats on there, I could be busy for months! They’re not just “treats,” they’re healthier versions of everyday snacks like brownies, ice cream, and of course, cookie dough. After my successful pumpkin pie hummus the other day, I couldn’t pass up the cookie dough using chickpeas.
Originally, I assumed I had everything I needed for this recipe except the chocolate chips. Turns out, I probably should have double checked before heading to the store. So, my version is stripped down quite a bit, only because I didn’t have the proper ingredients (and I’m too lazy to go back to the store). I used 1 can of chickpeas, 4 tbsp. of maple syrup, and 2 tbsp. of peanut butter. I was missing vanilla extract, baking soda, milk, and oats. Kind of a lot missing, but I tried it anyway!
Like the pumpkin pie hummus, just throw everything into your food processor or blender (except the chocolate chips)!

Finally, add the chocolate chips! Obviously, you can add as many as you’d like. I followed the original recipe and added 1/3 cup of chocolate chips (I used dark).
Now, it really looked like cookie dough:
This was really good! Honestly, it tasted mostly like peanut butter so of course it tasted good. I think I’ll try it again, this time with all the ingredients. This version turned out pretty thick so maybe using all the ingredients makes it easier to stir.
Obviously it was good since I’ve already eaten half of it!
I’m going to Phoenix tomorrow but before I leave, I’m going to attempt Halloween cupcakes for the preschool next door. They’re spider cupcakes; I’ll show you a picture of what they should look like after I make mine. Hopefully, it doesn’t turn out like this:
They’re preschoolers, they won’t judge me right?
How long will you be in town? I would love to see you!
ya ill be in town for like, 8 days so we should definitely grab lunch or something. ill give u a call!
That cookie dough looks delicious! I still have a hard time imagining chickpeas in combination with chocolate chips!
That cupcake failure looks like something that would happen to me!