I started the day today with a trip to the grocery store. I had a full list of healthy items and lots of ingredients for new recipes. Things were going well until I entered the aisle of apple sauce…
For those of you who don’t know, I drop things…a lot. For example, the other night (soup night!) I dropped a bowl into the stock pot full of butternut squash soup. As you would imagine…it splattered everywhere. Vibrant orange spots all over the white shirt I was wearing which was subsequently thrown in the trash.
Back to today’s grocery store run. I was checking the labels of applesauce, looking for a jar with no added sugar. When next thing I know, the jar slipped out of my hand, (or I just let it go), sending shards of glass and chunks of applesauce flying into the air. Oh and yes, there was a gentlemen standing next to me. I apologized profusely…but he ignored me and scurried away…probably on the way to the emergency room. I picked up what was left of my dignity and took another jar quickly before I dropped that one too.
That’s my embarrassing story for today. I’m sure I’ll have another one tomorrow to share with you. After “applesauce-gate” I picked up some peppermint flavoring for a smoothie recipe I found. It’s a thin mint protein shake I discovered on Peanut Butter Fingers. I altered it just slightly. Here’s the recipe I used:
- Chocolate Protein Powder
- Ice Cubes
- Peppermint Flavoring
- Spinach
- Milk

I basically guessed how much of each ingredient to throw into the blender. I use a smaller, single portion blender.
As you can see, the ice kind of chunks up and settles on the bottom. I can definitely deal with that though using a spoon. The one thing I would change next time is the amount of peppermint flavoring I used. I put in way too much! It definitely cleared my sinuses. I drank about half of the smoothie, then had to toss it.
I will definitely make it again though. I think using the peppermint flavoring with chocolate protein powder is a great idea! At least next time I’ll know how much flavoring NOT to use :).
Since I wasn’t satisfied after my shake failure, I nuked up some frozen pureed squash that I also picked up from the store today.

This is such an easy, healthy snack and tastes great on a chilly day. It has a good amount of fiber and is only about 100 calories. I just added some cinnamon to it and enjoyed!
Hope you all had a great day! Keep away from the applesauce aisle!
if wes is inspired by this post, and starts trying to put spinach in my smoothies, i’m going to blame you, amy!!