I realize I’ve been a little MIA this weekend…I’ve had a rough cold the past few days. That on top of working has left me with little to no energy for much else. I did push it on Friday with a workout (probably shouldn’t have) but took yesterday and today off. I’m hoping to start marathon training this next week so I need this cold to move along!
Although it was not the most productive weekend, I did manage to make a pretty tasty dinner Friday night. I found a really easy, great looking recipe in the latest issue of Real Simple. I cut this recipe in half since it’s just Cliff and I. But here’s the original recipe:
Chicken with White Beans and Tomatoes
- 2 15oz. cans of cannellini beans, rinsed
- 1 pint grape tomatoes
- 4 sprigs fresh thyme
- 4 sprigs fresh oregano
- 2 garlic cloves, smashed
- 1/4 teaspoon crushed red peppers
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- dash of salt and pepper
- 8 bone-in chicken thighs (skin on)
First, I mixed the beans and tomatoes with the thyme, oregano (I used dried. So, basically it was about a teaspoon of each), red pepper flakes, garlic, salt, pepper, and olive oil.
I added the bean/tomato mix to a baking dish lined with tin foil. Then placed the chicken thighs on top of the mix-skin side up. I put a little salt and pepper on the chicken and a tiny bit of olive oil.
I placed the chicken in the oven heated to 425 degrees. I cooked it for about 40 minutes. Along with the chicken, I cut up some red potatoes and tossed them with olive oil, pepper, and salt. I baked them for about 35-30 minutes.
The chicken looked perfect-nice and golden brown!

This turned out to be pretty good. I really liked the bean and tomato mix. The pepper flakes gave it a little kick but nothing too crazy. The chicken was perfect. It was nice and crisp on the outside. I would definitely make this again it was super easy (“real simple” is right!).
Cliff just told me he thought it was, “pretty decent.” Ha!
Saturday morning, I made some french toast….mostly because I wanted to slather some pumpkin butter on something! I just dipped a couple pieces of wheat bread in a mix of 3 eggs, 1/4 cup skim milk, dash of cinnamon, dash of vanilla, then tossed them on the skillet.
After they were cooked, I put some peanut butter on one slice and pumpkin butter on the other-the best of both worlds! Added some blueberries and bananas and was good to go! Delicious!
I’m taking it easy tonight. Going to hit the hay early. I need this cold to go away so I can start pounding the pavement for marathon prep!
P.S. Saw Black Swan this weekend….I will never use nail clippers again. That is all.
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