So, remember the wild pig that’s taken over our freezer? We took it out (a half of it actually…yes, an entire half of a pig was in our freezer…other half is still in there) and decided to try our hand at pulled pork. We assumed it wouldn’t turn out as tasty as the average pulled pork since it’s so lean….but we were wrong!
After letting it thaw, Cliff cut it into chunks that were small enough to fit in the slow cooker. Next, we placed the pig into the cooker and sprinkled it with ground cloves. We cut up a white onion and added that to the mix. Finally, we added a little water and salt and pepper.

We let porky cook for about 10 hours on low heat. When it was done, we took the pork out and drained the liquid from the slow cooker. Time to start pullin’! Cliff used two forks and just pulled apart the pork meat. He pulled it while it was still hot…that’s when it’s easiest.
After the pork was pulled, he placed it back in the slow cooker with some bbq sauce and cooked it for 2 more hours.
Finally, it was done! I had some on a sandwich….just wheat bread with a little cheese. It was delicious!! Considering how lean it was, I thought it turned out really well. I love pulled pork sandwiches-so this was pretty nice for me.
We also had it wrapped in tortillas with cilantro, cheese, and guacamole. I’m gonna have to send Cliff out huntin’ again to bring me home more pork!
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