I was feeling majorly motivated yesterday. I recently picked up the new issue of Oxygen magazine which always does the trick. I have to say, I love that magazine. If you’ve never read it, it might seem a bit intimidating or just non-relatable (body building-esque), but it actually has great workouts and clean, easy recipes. I definitely recommend picking it up or just flippin’ through! Not that I got these workouts from the magazine (ha), but it’s still awesome!
I really like working out my shoulders. I know there are other body parts I should focus on, for example, my legs (girly legs), but I just love toned arms! So, earlier in the day I went to the gym and did this workout I found on One Fit Foodie:
Perform this circuit for 10-20 minutes. I did it for 10 minutes (totally underestimated how hard it would be, I originally planned for 20). My arms were already a little sore from yoga the day before so ten minutes was plenty!:
- Seated Shoulder Press- 10 reps using 8lb. weights.
- Side Raise- 10 reps using 5lb. weights.
- Front Raise- 10 reps using 5lb. weights.
- Rear Dealt Raise- 10 reps using 5lb/3lb. weights.
I know it doesn’t sound like much, but going nonstop for 10, 15, or 20 minutes is a lot. My shoulders were burning like crazy afterwards.
Later in the day, the hubs and I headed back to the gym and did a CrossFit.
10 Rounds for time:
- Sprint 100 meters
- 10 pull-ups (or as many as possible if you’re me)
- Sprint 100 meters
- 10 burpees
This was pretty hard core. The thought of another burpee made me sick by round 7 but we powered through! It’s pretty tough, but it’s a great workout especially since you can pretty much do it anywhere. If you don’t have a pull-up bar or anyone to help you, you could always do pushups instead.
I was definitely ready to call it a day after 2 visits to the gym!
Do you have a favorite body part you like to focus on at the gym?
Oh you know I am saving this one! love it Amy. Thanks!
Thanks for the routines. That crossfit part sounds like it’d wear me out. Burpees and I have a strong love/hate relationship.
I think I might have to try that crossfit workout – looks like a tough one! Well, all crossfit workouts are super tough!
I LOVE this- crossfit/interval style workouts are sooo up my alley, not only because of time but because it WORKS!!! Good for you! And that shoulder workout looks crayyyyyyzy!
I love the workout and I have to confess… LOVE Oxygen mag too! ill never be a body builder… but the articles and advice in that magazine are great tips on healthy living! love it:)