Today was just a crappy day. They happen sometimes, what can ya do? In my case, I might have been able to prevent this unloading of crappiness if I had thought it through a little but alas, I did not.
I had big, productive plans for this day. First, we were heading to the DMV (first mistake) to get Colorado driver’s licenses, then hittin’ the slopes for a few hours, and later in the day, getting my wisdom tooth checked out (dentist appointment…mistake number 2).
Well, we hit the DMV which, of course, took over 2 hours. I wasn’t just getting a new driver’s license, I was changing my name on this new license which I knew would be a huge deal because isn’t everything that’s government related? I thought I had everything: marriage license, passport with new name, new social security card, and old ID, what more could they ask for?
Well, turns out they do ask for more. Apparently I brought in the wrong part of my marriage license? I wasn’t aware there was a wrong part but let me tell you folks, there is. So, I waited in line for 2 hours then was told to come back with the right paperwork. My head exploding was derailed only by my husband’s furry that was being unleashed on the poor sole who happened to help us and it happened to distract me.
At least my husband got his license done. I’m trying again tomorrow so cross your fingers for me (yes, I called yesterday before we went today so that’s why I was under the impression I had the right paperwork. I also called today, so tomorrow could be hit or miss). Ah, the joy that is the DMV. Avoid it if you can.
So, we missed our few hours of ski time since it was now cutting close to dentist time. Remember my weird wisdom tooth problems I was having a few days ago? Well, luckily it has actually improved since then but I still wanted to get it checked out just in case. The Dr. took a look and it and quickly responded with, “that’s a huge canker core.” That’s right, it was not an infection (thank God) just an enormous canker sore that was seriously so bad I couldn’t open my mouth (I also had pain in my jaw and a swollen cheek). She was pretty blown away by it. She even called in another Dr. to look at. As I explained that it was getting better, that Dr. was like, “well, that’s good but I’d say it’s only halfway there.”
Seriously?? Wow that thing must have been huge a couple days ago! What happened mouth?? Either way I’ll live. I’m just glad it was a canker sore and I didn’t need emergency oral surgery! Of course, I was told that I should get that wisdom tooth removed but we’ll see :).
Looking back I should not have planned the DMV and dentist in the same day. Two places I (and I’m pretty sure everyone else) despise. Why not throw in a lady visit while I’m at it? That really would have been the cherry on top of the crap cake. I guess it’s good to get annoying things out of the way as soon as possible (even though I’m not done with the DMV yet).
Although it was a bummer of a day, at least my tooth is fine and we get to go skiing in Vail tomorrow. Really? I can’t complain :). If you feel like hearing someone complain though, ask my husband what he thinks about the DMV…..:).
Speaking of people hating the government, a little shout out to my buddy Ron Swanson (from Parks and Recreation. It’s a great TV funny!).
“It’s never too early to learn that the government is a greedy piglet that suckles on a taxpayer’s teet until they have sore, chapped nipples. I’m gonna need a different metaphor to give this nine year old.” One of my favorite characters on TV.
How do you turn around a bad day? Any opposite-of-bad plans for the weekend?
Ack- sorry about the bad day! I love Ron Swanson too. I think it’s his mustache. 😉
OMG that sounds SO PAINFUL (the canker, not the DMV somuch…tho that sounds so annoying too). I HATE when days go like yours did, it can be so hard to break out of the funk! My husband is really good at doing that for me, but if I have to pull myself out of it, I usually have a harder time of it. Good for you for snapping out of it!
Oh I HATE the DMV, and even more, canker sores! Those are the worst! I’m glad it’s getting better, and hopefully the rest of your day went better! I say a big glass of wine and some yummy food tonight is in the cards for you!
I hate bad days 🙁 I had a bad week!
Bad days are the worst. Did you get up to ski at all? Getting outside and exercising always makes my day a little better.
You poor thing, I hate when things like that happen! The DMV sucks, no matter what state you live in and the dentist, ugh the dentist!I went in last week for a crown, and they told me I need a root canal. Wonderful! Guess what I had done yesterday? The root canal and now my mouth hurts and I’m hungry and I can’t eat the foods I want. Sigh… So I understand your bad day! But a piece of advice, if you need work on your teeth, like wisdom teeth pulled, do it now! In the future it becomes more of a problem. Trust me! I waited for this root canal and guess what, at my age I need my wisdom teeth pulled! More to look forward to this year!
You’ll have a better day!!!
oh man a root canal? i have not heard good things about that haha but i guess at least you got it done!! better than not im sure. ya i will definitely just have to schedule to get this tooth removed…at least that means lot of ice cream right? or thats tonsils…whatever ill still eat a lot of ice cream as a reward hha