I really enjoy a morning cup of coffee. I’m actually one of those people who love the taste and smell, not just its’ effects. Actually, sometimes the effects of coffee, or caffeine, can put me in a bad mood. If you drink coffee or probably any caffeinated beverage, I’m sure you’ve been there. You feel great from the caffeine, super pumped up and ready to go, then a couple hours later you suddenly become incredibly irritable and a joy to be a around :).
That has definitely happened to me. Another way caffeine has disrupted my day is by revving me up too much. My heart rate soars which totally distracts me from anything I’m doing since I’m convinced I’m having a heart attack. Needless to say, that overly jittery feeling is not my favorite.

But, I don’t want to push coffee out of my life. We’ve had such a long, beautiful relationship together I’m just not ready to shove him out the door. I simply don’t want to. My life is basically a Folger’s commercial: coffee really is the best part of waking up.
So, I’ve decided to go decaf. That’s right, decaf. I’m sure all the coffee connoisseur’s of the world just gasped, but they’ll live. I’m quitting caffeine for the reasons I listed above, but also because I know I’m addicted to it. I don’t drink a lot of caffeine either that’s what’s amazing about it. I have one cup of coffee (usually) everyday, but that is clearly enough to make you (me) an addict. I know this because if I skip out on coffee, I welcome a raging a headache. No bueno.
Last Tuesday I went to the grocery store and bought decaf coffee for our Keurig machine. I was ready to start, cold turkey, on Wednesday. To my surprise, I never turned into a lunatic, just a lethargic blob. I didn’t get any headaches either which was puzzling to me (I know decaf has trace amounts of caffeine but it’s very small especially in comparison to real coffee. Generic brewed coffee has about 95-200 mg of caffeine (in 8oz) and decaf brewed has 2-12mg of caffeine).
So far so good! But if you’re looking to cut out caffeine for real, not just “kinda” like myself, or if you drink significantly more caffeine and want to cut down, here are some tips for you:
- Start with half caf/decaf. I think this is the best idea if you want to ween yourself off of caffeine. It’s not too harsh (like my cold turkey method) so you won’t feel the adverse effects of caffeine withdraw.
- It takes time. From what I’ve read, it takes about 2 weeks to get over a caffeine addiction which really isn’t too bad, but I suppose they could feel like the longest two weeks in your life. You can do it!
- Try tea instead. Certain tea, like green tea, have significantly less caffeine than coffee does so this could be another healthy alternative to fully caffeinated beverage.
- Drink lots of water. Staying hydrated helps your kidneys flush out all the toxins in your body possibly riding it of caffeine sooner.
- Get some sleep. If you’re like me, you may feel a little foggy from sudden lack of a pick-me-up. Make sure you’re getting enough rest at night so you’re not overly sleepy during the day.
- Get outside! Let some sun into your life. The sun gives you a natural boost of energy so getting up and moving around-outside-will help you battle your fatigue.
Like I said before, I really like the taste of coffee so I think I’ll continue to have my cup of decaf in the morning. It’s almost a morning ritual for me now that I really enjoy. Even though I’m not technically caffeine free, I’m pretty darn close (I don’t drink soda or anything, just coffee) and I’m happy with that step for now. Maybe someday I’ll be a tea lover, but until then, decaf is my new best friend!

Are you a coffee lover? What are your thoughts about caffeine?
Damn girl, I give you MAJOR kudos for quitting coffee. I’m with you on legit loving the TASTE of coffee most of all. I can actually drink it any time of day and it doesn’t affect my sleep patterns or anything annnd I don’t usually get jittery from it or anything which is why I haven’t quit it myself. I figure, if my big vice is coffee? I’m doing ok – but then again, I’m sure I’d be doing even better without it. But I just cannnnnn’t. Haha. Good luck my friend!
I will never give up caffeine. I love coffee too much!
I am a coffee lover in spirit, not in reality. I love the smell and the experience, but my stomach cannot handle the acidity. My sleeping habits are already wonky, so I am glad I have not been able to embrace coffee drinking or I would be in trouble! Good luck with the switch to decaf. It looks like you have a solid plan!
ya it can definitely be a little harsh. i really do love the flavor and smell so im keepin my decaf!! hopefully i can make this last!
I am completely addicted to coffee as well, but I too wanted to end my severe dependency on caffeine a few months back so I made the switch to decaf. At first, I cringed because initially I really, truly, honestly, could TASTE the difference and it was bugging me out. But now, I barely notice it! I’m glad to not need that “boost” anyway and I can’t imagine that much caffeine (I was 2-3 cups a day) can be good for a person. Although I did initially suffer from those withdrawal headaches. Now, if I drink regular coffee I get an upset stomach so it’s a good control to stay with the decaf!
good to know there’s hope for me! haha congrats!
when I weaned myself off coffee I went to decaf, then black tea, then green tea…now I just have it every blue moon
currently, chocolate is my addiction. and I’m three days chocolate free now.
Good luck!
I can’t give up coffee. I’ve given up soda, fried foods and lots of other things, but one thing I will never give up is coffee. I too have the Keurig coffee maker and it is the #1 used appliance in the house! I don’t like coffee for the caffeine kick, but I like it for the flavor. I have a frother, and I buy suagr free syrups and my coffee, that in 3 minutes flat I have a latte that tastes just like Starbucks! I love it! I could go decafe, which I do in the evenings, when I want a cup of java. I give you credit for giving up coffee, way to hard for me. It’s my guilty pleasure!
I recently decided I was going to quit drinking my two cups of coffee each morning. I replaced it with tea and I was miserable. I am now just drinking one cup so I think I will do the slow down method and make my cups smaller until I no longer drink it. I had no energy and with two small kids that is definitely not good. I don’t drink anything else except for water so coffee is my one indulgence but I know it is better to go for tea. Congrats on quitting!
Coffee is my one “vice”. I don’t drink, I don’t like sweets, so I figure that drinking 1 or 2 cups of coffee a day is OK!! I have cut back a bit and have 1 cup and then have tea for the remainder of the morning. I have graduated to loose leaf tea. Makes it worth drinking!!