In case you were wondering, I am still training for the marathon. It hasn’t been easy though. My runs at home were pretty good. I had a long run of 7 miles which was nice, then three days of 3 miles. I skipped the last 3 miler…oops!
This week, I have 2 days of 3 miles, 1 of 4, and 1 of 9. The nine miler is kind of intimidating but I know once I get going it won’t be so bad (at least that’s my hope). Unfortunately, I developed a cold this past week. My throat’s been hurting, major congestion, and a nasty cough. My body actually feels okay. At first, I felt achey all over but that passed so I want to go run. I’m just not sure if running when kinda sick is a good idea.
I actually started a run Saturday then about 5 minutes in, turned around and came home. It was a little too cold and I was coughing a little too much so I decided to forget about it.
I read an article that said if your symptoms are above the neck, i.e. sniffles, stuffiness, sneezing you’re probably good to go. If they’re below the neck, chest cold, body ache, bronchial infection, stay in. I’m assuming nasty cough falls under chest cold? I’m not so sure…
Besides feeling sick, I also developed an infection in my gums (I know, seriously? That happens to people who brush their teeth?). I actually have a wisdom tooth growing in (yea, I’m 28) but it’s only grown in partially. The gum that covers the rest of the tooth is like, enormous right now. I showed my husband and he basically got mad at me that I haven’t called a dentist yet. It hurts so bad that I can barely open my mouth! Not that opening my mouth has anything to do with running, but it just puts me in a pissy mood so I thought I’d vent :).
I’m going to the dentist on Thursday so hopefully all my teeth won’t fall out before then. Great way to start the new year! ๐
I’m honestly not really sure what to do about the running thing right now. I might attempt 3 miles today, maybe a run/walk just because the weather is so nice I almost can’t resist. I certainly won’t push it.
Do you workout/run when you’re feeing sick?
I actually feel better if I run when I’m sick!
Feel better soon!
PS. Cliff telling you to go to the dentist –> pot/ kettle! ๐
haha i know!! i think he saw it and immediately assumed ill need oral surgery which equals lots of money!! im going to the dentist thurs so hopefully that wont be the case
I am the worst at taking rest days when I am sick. It is so hard. However, I always make it worse, so I am learning to make myself go to bed when I am sick.
Also, I am getting a wisdom tooth right now, too!!! So strange, right?! We clearly have seriously delayed teething action!
I don’t usually work out when I am sick. I use that as a sign that my body needs rest and I try to get lots of water and sleep!
I hope you feel better soon!
OUCH on the gum infection, I had something similar last summer and ended up being on antibiotics for 2 weeks and then needed a root canal.