So, technically I’m 17 weeks along but since I’m behind, this will be more like, a reflection on my 16th week. It’s kinda crazy that I’m almost halfway done…I still don’t feel very pregnant! I thought for sure I’d be way bigger by this point but then again, this is my first time so I have no idea what I’m talking about.
Little avocado!!
So, according to, the baby is:
- She’s listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
- She’s growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
- And she’s forming taste buds.
This is also the start of the time period when I might be able to feel him or her in there! I haven’t yet, but I’m waiting for it. I thought I did last night but I have no clue..could have been my tummy digesting.
Here’s week 16’s recap:
How far along? 17 weeks now….although this is a 16 week update.
Total weight gain: 3 pounds at last doctor’s appointment. I’m guessing now maybe more like 5?
Maternity clothes? Nope. Basically been wearing the same black stretchy pants everyday though…they aren’t maternity, but they’re still comfy. I’ve noticed my bra situation isn’t that great. They all feel too tight especially when I sit down I feel like I can’t breath. I’ve been wearing a sports bra basically everyday…guess it’s time for a new bra.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Been fine. I’ve been trying to sleep on my sides since sometime soon I’m supposed to stop sleeping on my back-which is brutal!! But I’m getting used to side sleeping more. I think I’ll use that as an excuse to get a huge body pillow :).
Best moment this week: Pregnancy wise, nothing has really changed…at least that I’ve noticed. I completed my 20 mile run though so that was probably the highlight of my week.
Miss Anything? Not really. The smell of coffee in the morning sometimes makes me miss it, but it’s not terrible. I can always make a decaf if I’m really missing it!
Movement: Not yet. Or maybe last night? How do you know?? I can’t wait to actually feel something so I have an idea of what it’s like.
Food cravings: My pickle cravings have kind of gone by the waist-side. I haven’t been craving anything in particular this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Still don’t know…but still thinkin’ boy. I have no idea why?
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I’m still getting sleepy sometimes so I usually take a nap after work. This week I haven’t been as emotional, which is good.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our next doctor’s appointment is a week from today and I can’t wait!! I’m hoping we will hear the heartbeat again (I love that!) and we will definitely schedule an ultrasound. She mentioned she wanted to do it around 20 weeks…but maybe I can get her to schedule it for 19 :). So either the week we go to Boston or the week after…can’t wait!!
What do you think…boy or girl? 🙂
You look so cute! And way to rock out the 20-miler!
Wow = halfway already?? You are still so tiny! And funny, I bet I’d feel the same way about pregnancy – like what “should” it feel like anyway?? haha
You look great!!
You look so great!! The first movements feel like a little goldfish swimming around and then you’ll feel pokes and kicks and pretty soon, you’ll be able to SEE the baby moving, that’s the coolest part!
Thanks for sharing this with us!!!
I still don’t feel very pregnant and I am at 24. However, I saw a pic of me today and thought “holy heck!” I have a baby bump! Seems like it comes out of nowhere.