I’m almost 6 months pregnant…how crazy is that? I have to say, I totally thought I’d be bigger at 6 months but no complaints :). I know I’ll suddenly feel huge one of these days so might as well stay comfortable if I can!
Overall, I feel pretty good. I was having some back pain these past few days but it’s okay. It seems to be worse in the morning for some reason which makes me wonder if it’s caused by my sleeping positions? I’m kind of tempted to buy a Snoogle pillow:
Pregnant or not, they look pretty awesome (although pricey-almost 60 bucks). I pretty much hate sleeping on my side. I miss sleeping on my back so much…but just a couple more months then back to back!
My husband’s been out of town this week so I don’t have a picture update. I’ll have to take one when he gets back. In the meantime, this sexy one will do:
How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 12 pounds at last Dr. appointment but probably more like 13 or 14 at this point?
Maternity clothes? Yep. Wearing a maternity shirt and jeans as we speak. I’m sort of frustrated with the bra situation these days though. I bought a nursing bra (in a bigger size then my usual) and it’s been fine but now I’m noticing it feels tight…so, maybe another Target trip in store for me?
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Been fine. I roll around a ton though just because my shoulders start to hurt.
Best moment this week: Pretty much the best moments every week are feeling her kick and move around. My stomach moves now so I just like to sit back and watch her punch my tummy in different spots. It’s pretty wild that there’s a person in there..haha weird.
Miss Anything? Food-wise, I’m pretty good. Sometimes I miss booze but it’s been okay. Exercise-wise I miss pushing myself really hard. That probably sounds weird but I do. I love a good ass-whoopin’ from my workouts but I just can’t take it to that level right now.
Movement: Yep! It’s weird to see 2 spots on my tummy move at the same time now. She’s getting so big!
Food cravings: Last week’s chocolate cravings have been simmered a bit this week (luckily!). I’m not really craving much else? Yesterday I randomly wanted Saltine’s with peanut butter on them…
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I don’t feel quite as sleepy which is nice. I had low iron levels and was taking 2 doses of iron a day and my dr. upped it to three times so maybe that’s helping. I’m getting heartburn quite a bit too recently which is kind of annoying…but nothing too serious!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Honestly the time is flying by! It’s kind of crazy. I’m looking forward to so much but I also want to slow down a bit and enjoy the pregnancy.
Exercise: This week has been pretty good. I hit the gym 3x so far but only did weight lifting. I just love weight lifting-I love feeling strong and sore the next day.
So that’s week 23! All is well!
I’m actually driving back to Denver and Boulder this weekend. The hubs is flying into Denver tonight and we’re going to head to Boulder tomorrow so he can check it out….maybe our future home? We will see!
What are your plans for the weekend?
You should probably get a snoogle. I’m not pregnant and I want one. I brought my body pillow to Blend because I couldn’t sleep without it.
You are the most adorable pregnant lady I’ve ever seen! I can’t believe you are 6 months pregnant. You look like I look after 6 slices of pizza. 😉
Hope the last 3 months go well!
You look fantastic! I didn’t buy a specialty pillow, just a body pillow and it was the best $10 I ever spent!!
I am so glad your doing well! Have a wonderful weekend!
I’m 31 1/2 weeks pregnant, and like you, I miss pushing myself for a hard workout. I’ve been swimming and weight lifting mostly. I enjoy the strength workouts you post and also love the feeling of being strong and sore the next day 🙂
maybe next week you’ll be craving healthy bites. tee hee! you are precious.
Contests on six months!! Everyone tells you this but time will fly by… especially from here on out!! I am due in two weeks and have no idea where it has all gone!
Oh and I def recommend a body pillow too!! I hats sleeping on my side.mom a belly person.. and this has saved Me!!!