Full term! Finally.
Obviously, I haven’t had her yet. I was a little concerned last week when I was getting sick that she was going to come early but nope! She’s just playing games with me..which is fine. As much as I want to meet her, I want her to get big and strong before making an appearance. We had a doctor’s appointment this week and she estimated that she’s around 5 1/2 pounds. She needs a little more meat on those bones!
The relief for us now is that if she came between now and her due date, she would most likely be just fine AKA be able to breathe on her own. But still, we want that little one to fatten up!
Here’s my 36 week picture (I’m back to being behind..oops):
Let’s compare that to 9 weeks shall we?
So, yeah, looks like I’ve gained some weight :). Here’s a little breakdown for the week:
Total weight gain: 28 poundos!
Maternity clothes? Um yes. I sit on Pinterest all day long and drool over beautiful clothes that I can’t wear right now…hopefully soon? I love fall clothes!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Ok. I noticed the last few nights I’ve been waking up like, 4 times a night to use the bathroom. Maybe the baby has dropped a bit? Or maybe I drink too much water at night? Who knows! My hip also still kills me which is annoying.
Best moment this week: Doctor’s appointment and baby class! As much as I like the baby class, they show videos that scare the living crap out of me. I almost cried in the last class. I go in and out of feeling super excited…then extremely terrified.
Miss Anything? Where do I start? Food, booze, exercise, sleeping on back, etc.
Movement: Yes. My favorite thing :).
Food cravings: Nope. I’ve been trying to eat healthier this week and not indulge my sweet tooth so much. It is not easy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions a lot these days. Not only the hardness that they bring on, but cramps that feel like menstrual cramps. Every time I get one I think, “is this it!?” But nope, not yet!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. Sausage fingers! You should see my feet too…no shape whatsoever. Big fat bear pad feet.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time but like I said before, I go in and out of feeling excited then scared. Sometimes I feel this sudden urge to yell at my husband for no reason. Is that normal? 🙂
Symptoms: Swollen, crampy, etc. The usual at this point. I’ve also started getting these shooting pains near my groin…apparently they’re normal? People refer to them as “lightening crotch”…sounds like a super power. They come on suddenly and only last for like, 5 seconds but man they hurt! I am not a fan.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little lady! Guess we should work on some names…
Exercise: This week hasn’t been very productive in the exercise department mostly because my mornings were busier with other things (that’s normally when I go). I went yesterday and it was fine and I’d like to go this weekend too. As I get closer to delivery, I also want to start walking more…apparently that helps induce labor? We’ll see.
So, things are good! I wasn’t sick at all this week. I’ve been trying to focus on healthier foods and staying hydrated since our doctor emphasized being dehydrated can actually cause you to go into labor and it can make labor more difficult. So, lots of water!
I think at this point we have everything ready for the little one! The pack n play is up, the crib, her dresser, her clothes are washed, car seat installed…I can’t think of anything else? I had big plans to make a bunch of meals and freeze them but then I got lazy…so I bought some instead at Costco.
3 weeks from Saturday is our due date! 🙂 I can’t wait!
Sounds like you are ready to go! But, no baby name yet? Or do you have ideas and want to meet her first? Cannot wait to hear what you picked out!
Holy cuteness! Love the bump… miss it! She could arrive any moment. That is so exciting! Can’t wait to meet your little lady!