So, this is almost a basic CrossFit style workout. I just tweaked it slightly to suit my current body which is that of a 36 week pregnant woman. ย If you’re a beginner, you could definitely try this exactly how I did it. If not, I’ll give you the real version too.
In the past two weeks, I’ve started getting up in the morning and hitting the gym before work-which I’m slowly starting to love. I’m not really a morning person, but there is something about getting your workout done before the day really starts-I’m loving it! I just feel so productive!
So today’s workout looked like this (this is my version):
5 Rounds
- 200 meter walk/jog a little if the mood strikes
- 20 shoulder presses using 10lb. weights
- 200 meter walk
- 20 pushups on knees
- 200 meter walk
- 20 dips on assisted pullup/dip machine
- 200 meter walk
- 20 squats
So, if you want to try this workout but want a little more….here is the actual version:
5 Rounds for Time (as fast as you can!)
- 200 meter run
- 20 shoulder presses with 20lb. weight
- 200 meter run
- 20 pushups
- 200 meter run
- 20 sit ups
- 200 meter run
- 20 squats
It was a great workout! I tried to jog a little bit but it’s pretty uncomfortable at this point so speed walking was fine. I’m trying to aim for 4-5 days of working out a week-of course, assuming the doctor is okay with that. I have a dr. appointment this next week so I’m going to ask her what she recommends since I’m getting closer to my due date. I feel I assume it’s ok? But we’ll see!
In other baby news, we started our childbirth classes last night. I’ve heard some people complain about them in that they’re full of facts and advice you may already know. I really enjoyed it though. We have 3 more classes and I’m looking forward to all of them!
It’s nice to hear things from an experienced nurse like what to expect when you go into labor, what may or may not happen, when to come in, etc. Of course, you can read about anything online, but I prefer to get my information from someone I know is experienced.
We also watched a video of a baby being born. Nothing I haven’t seen before but this time, it hit home a little more considering I’ll be going through this very soon! I’m super excited but I’m not gonna lie, I’m also pretty terrified. Not just about giving birth, but about everything that goes with it. We’re gonna have a baby here-all the time! Of course, that’s obvious, but I just can’t believe it. I don’t want to break her!
Only 4 weeks from Saturday!! I suppose she could come before then too…yikes!
I’ll end on a funny note-I love this picture:
That’s definitely the plan! ๐
Happy Thursday-almost Friday!!
wow. any workout at 36 week is moto. let alone crossfit!
I never made it past 36 weeks with my pregnancies, apparently they were anxious. Good luck these last few weeks!!
The first day we brought my oldest home, I looked at my husband and said “holy shit, they let us take him home…” You will be fine, just take it one day at a time ๐
In the future (or rather, all the time) when I tell myself that I’m too tired to hit the gym, I’m going to remember that Amy was up EARLY, is 36 weeks pregnant AND doing CrossFit workouts, so I need to stop being such a pansy! Thank you for the motivation!
hahahahaha thanks Maria!! ๐
I love it!! way to keep crossfitting it up!
I am impressed….Cross Fit at 36 weeks pregnant! I was active with both my pregnancies but I will be honest and say the last month, I didn’t do anything but walk. You are one motivated momma!!
Way to keep those workouts going girl!!! Sticking with it until the end is so going to help you once labor starts. And as a first time mama I loved our childbirth classes too (Bradley method). Its all so new so knowing more of what’s going to happen is comforting.