Hey guys! Long time no talk huh? I was in Phoenix for a few days last week which was great. Brooke got to meet the rest of my side of the family which I think she really enjoyed…there’s no telling…she’s 8 weeks old. But, judging by her smiles, I think she liked it.

Things are going well on my end! Brooke is sleeping more and more at night so no complaints. As I mentioned above, she’s also smiling a LOT more. I love it. Every time she smiles (which is a lot) I try to snap pics or get people to look…it’s exciting every single time! I can’t wait until she starts laughing. I can easily see that taking over my life: spending all day trying to get my daughter to laugh. I suppose it could be worse :).
Anyway, since I’m kind of getting into the swing of things, I’ve been hitting the gym more and have actually run a few times. The running is tough but it just feels good to break a sweat. As for the gym, I love feeling sore the next day. I’ve missed that feeling!
I’ve also been able to get in the kitchen a little more which is always fun. I’m really trying to focus on upping my vegetable intake. I’m not dieting or restricting things (although I am trying to watch the sweet tooth), I’m focusing on adding. In this case, adding vegetables. For example, right now I’m eating cauliflower, chicken, and carrots for lunch. I usually never have veggies at lunch…or breakfast. Pretty much the only time I eat veggies is at dinner which just isn’t enough.
Since I’m trying to stuff my face with veggies, I’m exploring new recipes. Last night I made cauliflower “rice” for the first time. I’ve heard of low carb eaters using this as a substitute for actual rice so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s really pretty simple…all you really need to do is process a head of cauliflower (in the food processor), then microwave!
If you don’t have a food processor, you could try to blend it, chop it finely with a knife, or use a hand held grater.
So, one head of cauliflower makes a lot of “rice” so heads up. Obviously, you could process less depending on what you want. We have a lot of leftovers.
Anyway, once it was grated, I took out a little and microwaved it in a covered dish. You don’t need to add water to it by the way. I microwaved it for about 4 minutes or until the cauliflower is soft.
I served it up with butter and greek seasoning. It was good! It tastes like cauliflower (obviously) but I actually really liked it. I think I’ll definitely make it again.
My next experiment with cauliflower will be as pizza crust. Have you heard of grated cauliflower made into crust? Sounds kind of interesting right…? The pictures I’ve seen make it look awesome!
Do you follow a specific diet? What’s your biggest dieting weakness? I think mine is sweets…and lack of nutrient dense foods like veggies!
She’s such a cutie! Could stare at her face all day long 🙂
Don’t feel bad that you don’t get enough veggies in – I struggle with this daily, but the fact that we are trying counts, right? I eat raw cauliflower as a snack and it’s okay until I get bored, so I’m excited about trying this as “rice”. I bet it would be good as “fried” rice with soy sauce, carrots, peas, and chicken. Might have to give it a whirl.