Oh hi there! It’s been a while huh? Like months. Sorry about that. I had this plan that I’d blog every day with or without baby…apparently that’s not working out to well for me.
To be honest, I felt I didn’t really have much to blog about..oddly enough. It seems like there’s a lot going on but I had nothing to say? Weird.
The last few months have been great! Brooke is now 3 months old can you believe it? She’s doing really well too.
She’s a great baby. Not that I have experience with babies but I’m pretty sure she’s a good one :).
So what have I been doing? I haven’t started working again yet. My work schedule is pretty flexible since I work from home so I haven’t started back up yet. I think after Christmas I will get back to it.
Brooke and I hang out all day everyday! I’ve actually been able to take her with me to the gym too. My gym has hours in the morning that moms can bring their infants in with them (weird right?). So far, it’s been pretty good. Usually she fusses mid way through my workout so I rock her to sleep then continue. Yesterday was the first time I had to leave…she wasn’t going to stop…
The workouts have been really good. It’s felt amazing pushing my body to the point of being sore for days…does anyone else love that? Are you sick like me? 🙂
My regular gym days are gonna change  a little though now since I have to start training again for BOSTON! I have to admit, I’m a little annoyed I have to train again for this damn thing but I know it’ll be fun. I guess I’m still burned out when it comes to running. A part of me wishes I did it last year so I could focus more on weight lifting and running whenever I want (and whatever distance I want). Oh well, just a few months right? And this time I don’t have to worry about being preggo.
This week is the first week of training. I’m actually doing the Novice 1 program from Hal Higdon. I don’t know if I’m a novice or not but I feel like one. I haven’t ran much at all in the past 10 months so I feel like I’m starting over! My long is today (I’m switching the schedule around a bit) and it’s 6 miles. Ughh…wish me luck!
Anyway, I wanted to pop in and say hi! Let you know I was still alive and well. I’m going to try and have a set schedule to blog on actual interesting topics like workouts and food..mmm.
Before I sign off I have to show you this shirt I bought..
That’s right. Is this not the coolest shirt you’ve ever seen? I’m wearing it all the time. I just hope people understand the reference…
Welcome Back! Love your family picture.
Merry Christmas, LOVE the shirt!!! Where did you get it?