Hi there. I know, I am officially the worst blogger ever. I’m gonna stop starting posts like that though. The reality is, I’m probably not gonna blog everyday. I would really like to…but, clearly I haven’t been so I’ll try!
Things have been going well on our end. Brooke is doing great-she’s 4 months now! She just had her 4 month dr. appointment yesterday..shots and all :(. I cry every time they give her shots…I don’t know why?! Just that awful cry that comes shortly after makes me so sad. But it’s all for the best!
Anyway, I’ve been training for the Boston marathon! I feel like I just did that…because I sort of did. Training so far this year has been kind of a pain mostly because of weather. It is MUCH colder this year (I knew that would happen!) so I’ve been dealing with more ice/snow which is somewhat inconvenient. However, I do have a gym membership this year so no excuses…although 7 miles on a treadmill? Really? I have a hard enough time with 3….
This week my long run is 12 miles which hopefully I can do today. So far I haven’t had much pain in my knees or hips so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they won’t become a problem.
What I’m really trying to focus on these days is my diet. During my pregnancy, I really let myself slip up on diet a lot…I mean, I was pregnant after-all so ya gotta live a little. The problem I face now is a major sugar addiction. The holidays did not help (they never do!). So, I’m really trying to get over that.
I thought about attempting a Paleo 30 day challenge (again) for the month of February but now I’m not so sure. Maybe I should just concentrate on clean eating instead of such a drastic change. I feel like when I attempt major changes to my diet, I set myself up for failure. Immediately cutting out carbs, dairy, and beans could be tough…
I’m not sure though. On the other hand, 30 days is not that long. I should be able to do anything for 30 days right? I donno…I don’t trust myself. My husband said he’d do it with me so that would help and we’re not going out of town for the month of February. Leaving town always seems to ruin the diet.
So, I don’t know what to do. Maybe start with just clean eating.
What do you guys think? Paleo or Clean Eating?
She’s SO CUTE!! 🙂
PS. before you do the paleo challenge, have you done any research on paleo + nursing (if you still are?)… i’m hearing you on the sugar addiction though. Maybe I’ll be inspired by you and try to cut some refined sugars from my diet 🙂
i don’t know much about it so i think ive kinda decided to skip it. its not a super realistic diet for me anyway…first im gonna work on not stuffing my face with candy haha baby steps