Wow, 2 days in a row can you believe it? I decided that while Brooke naps, it’s time for mama to ramble on her blog.
It’s been a while since I’ve talked about this, but I am still training for the Boston marathon. Doesn’t it seem like I’ve been doing this forever? I guess I’m having flashbacks of last year. Well, training hasn’t been perfect that’s for sure. It is without a doubt, harder to train with an infant child around….in the dead of winter.
I think what comes to everyones mind is, can’t you take her outside with you in a jogging stroller? Well, yes, but not when it’s 25 degrees outside! That, coupled with lots of travel, has led to some poor training. That being said, I’m still running it!
The past few weeks were especially rough but this past weekend I managed to do my 20 mile run! I also managed to get severely sunburned….just a reminder, we’re really close to the sun up here. The 20 miles wasn’t terrible. I actually ran faster than I anticipated so I’m happy. I have some hip pain, but I ran 20 miles so what do I expect? I’m trying to ice and stretch and just stay injury free. The race is in less than 2 weeks!
I’m a little disappointed in the training (or lack therefore). I know people work so hard to qualify for Boston and I’m lucky enough to be entered and basically didn’t bother training. I realize I have a pretty good excuse (baby..right??), but still. It’s kind of a bummer that I’m not trying to get a certain time or beat my last PR. At this point, I just want to finish.
I know it shouldn’t bum me out so I try not to think about that part. What I’m focusing on is the BOSTON MARATHON! How cool will that be? My parents are coming out to watch (again..oops) and I’ll have my little girl waiting at the finish line…pretty cool.
Hope you’re all having a good week!
Good luck!!!
Honestly? Just enjoy the experience, the opportunity, the DAY. All of it. You deserve this just as much as any runner out there — soak it in, and don’t let self doubt creep in. Trust that body!!
Amy, please let us know you and your family are OK. I’m so, so sorry. I can’t imagine. Lots of love and support to everyone in Boston and all those affected. xoxo ~ Katy