Hey guys! Time for round 3 of HIIT Tuesdays!
I personally love HIIT workouts because it’s really easy to do a number of exercise combinations at home with no equipment. On the other hand, there are a million different HIIT exercises you can do at the gym with different equipment which will challenge you in new ways. Good stuff.
This particular HIIT workout is a Tabata workout. Tabata workouts are theoretically done in 4 minutes (although there have been many times when I’ve cheated and rested longer than I was supposed to). Here is the breakdown:
4 minutes total
20 seconds of work/10 seconds off
Total of 8 rounds
Here are a couple Tabata workouts to try:
Home Tabata Workout
- Jump Squats
- Burpees with Pushup
(Jump Squats)
So, start with jump squats for 20 seconds, rest for ten, then on to burpees with pushup for 20 seconds, rest for 10, etc. It’s a total of 8 rounds, 4 of each exercise.
Just remember with these tabata’s to go all out during those 20 seconds.
Here’s another example of a tabata you can do on a treadmill:
Tabata Treadmill
Set the treadmill to around 6.0 speed
- Incline of 12 for 20 seconds
- 10 seconds rest incline of 3
8 rounds!!
A treadmill tabata is a great way to end your workout. It’s short and painful!
Have you tried tabata workouts? Any good combinations?
I love tabata workouts! I sometimes like to add a cardio tabata with my strength routine to really amp up the workout and fat burning!
I love adding them at the end of workouts!