Sort of a long title..sorry about that. I thought about making the breastfeeding topic a separate post but I think it would essentially be a one liner.
Breastfeeding on Paleo
(First and foremost, talk to you doctor if you have any serious questions regarding your diet and breastfeeding).
My experience with cutting back on processed carbs and dairy while breastfeeding has been pretty uneventful. Which is good. I haven’t found that lowering my intake of carbs has effected my milk supply. I think this is because two things: I try to eat plenty of food and get a decent amount of carbs from those foods.
My daily carbs intake is lowish but not crazy low. I usually come in around 150 grams of carbs a day-sometimes higher, sometimes lower. That is on the low side (most people eat 200 something), but very low carb intakes would be under 100 grams. If you are interested in cutting back on carbs, I think you just need to play around with your diet and see what works for you. 150 grams of carbs may leave you feeling sluggish so maybe you consume more?
I think the bottom line with breastfeeding is, eat enough food and find what works for you! My little chunky monkey seems to be growing so I think the milk is a-flowin’.
Paleo Week 3
Well, the beginning of the week was pretty good. I didn’t feel as irritable as I had been so maybe my body was starting to adjust? My husband actually mentioned though that he was feeling irritable. He’s not technically doing this challenge, but because I make most of the food, he sort of is. But again, maybe it comes back to not eating enough in general? It’s hard to tell.

My digestion has still been great so that’s good news. I’m not sure that’s all thanks to the Paleo diet but I think more to do with the whole foods I’ve been eating. Since starting the challenge, I’ve been consuming way more vegetables each day than I typically do. Maybe the lack of processed carbs helps too, but veggies definitely do a body good.

The second part of the week was not great. I got a stomach virus so was throwing up quite a bit. I ended up eating a tortilla (the horror!!) for dinner last night. I just didn’t know what else to eat that wouldn’t upset my tummy. Besides the sick part though, week 3 went well! Only one more week left!! I am feeling a little better today so I think tonight will be another tasty Paleo dinner courtesy of the WellFed cookbook.
I’m not sure if I’ll add processed carbs and dairy back to my diet or not. Sometimes I miss them, so maybe I will but just watch my intake. One more week to decide!
That little munchkie is getting so big! What a cutie! How u are feeling better!