Hey ya’ll! I think that’s an appropriate greeting given my recent adventures in the mountains. We have been crazy busy over here with family. All of my husband’s family have been in town over the past two weeks. We also celebrated a big birthday!
My little baby Willow turned 1! She is officially the cutest and sweetest baby on the planet…although I might be biased.
I also got the opportunity to go on a horse ride with my Cowboy husband and sister in law.
Check out my brave (almost) three year old riding by herself!
This was only my second ride since moving out to the mountains. We had a really great time; I’d love to do it more often!
So, let’s talk about Can-It-Forward Day!
I am certainly not a canning expert (only canned once). But, I’d like to think one day I will be. What can I say, I dream big. I just love the idea of canning fresh jams, pickled foods, and dare I say, meats? I think I’ll start with fruits and veggies and maybe graduate to meats someday.
I’ve canned applesauce and it took a little time, but it was a fairly simple process. I used Ball’s Home Canning Discovery Kit. It has all the tools I would possibly need while canning and the Amazon reviews to back it up (includes canning rack with lifter, 3 regular mouth pint jars, and recipes).
So, Can-It- Forward Day actually sounds pretty cool for anyone who cans or is interested in starting to can or preserve. It’s a webcast that will broadcast live online at FreshPreserving.com from 11 AM-4PM Eastern. It will include a chat function so viewers can submit questions and receive their answers in real time. There will also be a celebrity mason jar auction unveiled during the broadcast involving reality starts and celebrity chefs!
I think my first question would be what are the best recipes or foods for canning beginners? I’m guessing applesauce, pickles, maybe some salsas or chutneys?
The Ball folks were nice enough to send me the Home Canning Discovery Kit, Design Series Lids with Bands (in red…ooo la la), this awesome Guide to Preserving book, and Fiesta Salsa Mix.
I need to get my buns to a farmer’s market and get to work! Better yet, grow myself a garden and can it all up.
Anyway, giveaway time!
One reader will receive a coupon for a free case of jars!!
To enter the giveaway, just leave me a comment. Any comment. Do you can? Do you want to can? Do you like the color red? Whatever you’d like!
Don’t forget to check out FreshPreserving.com from 11 AM-4PM Eastern for the canning webinar!
I want you to learn how to can & than give me homemade canned goods….. or I guess I could learn myself. 🙂
I have done some canning, but am not an expert by any means. I’d love to keep trying new recipes and start canning a lot more.
Yes! I just started to this year! So far just jam and pickles!
I love to can and my favorite color is purple, so I’m really excited about the new jars!
I have always wanted to learn how to can!
I’ve always done a lot of canning. I love these new colored jars, so pretty!
I like to can pickles and veggies
I like to can jams and jellies