We are officially mountain people. People of the mountain, indeed. My husband brought home bear meat, and we’ve been eatin’ it up.
Let me preface this by saying, I’m from Scottsdale, Arizona. The ‘dale, if you will. We don’t eat bear meat too often. My husband seems to think bear meat is a normal thing. It is not. Ha!
That being said, the bear is actually pretty tasty. We’ve made it two different ways: in a stew and grilled. The grilled bear meat was pretty tough. Not gamey tasting, just tough. The stew is the way to go, for sure.
I’ve made it twice and honestly, it tastes like beef!
Bear stew, baby!
Besides strange bear creations, I’ve also been on a smoothie kick.
It is definitely fall here, by the way. Warm days are becoming few and far between. I have to take advantage of these last days of warm weather!
Since it’s fall, pumpkin has been on rotation. Duh.
I’m pretty much in love with crunchy goodness on top of my smoothies. Lately, it’s been Purely Elizabeth Granola or Love Grown Foods Power O’s (chocolate is the best!).
I just got this peanut powder and it is awesome! It’s literally just roasted peanuts. I love it because you can use 3 Tbsp and it’s only 70 cals! It gives you that yummy peanut butter flavor without all those calories. Good deal!
So, basically I’ve been whipping up pumpkin vanilla smoothies and chocolate, peanut butter, coffee. Coffee just makes everything better.
Other than eating bear and drinking smoothies, we’ve been enjoying the fall weather! It’s been chillier, but beautiful and sunny (most days). I actually got a run in last week AND a horseback ride with my husband.
Fall is the best. Right?? It goes so fast though. So, I gotta enjoy it while it’s here!!
Seriously. It’s coming.
So, I need new smoothie creations….any ideas? What are your favorites?
I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO TRY BEAR! So envious! My taste buds want in on this stew NOW!