So, my workouts recently haven’t been very consistent. Some weeks I decide heavy weights is the way to go, other days I think I need to get back to more running. I know variety is great for the body, but I also like having some sort of overall plan or goal, especially since I’d like to lose a couple pounds.
I lost a couple pounds before my wedding in November so I was trying to remember what I was doing around that time. I ran a little, but wasn’t training for any races so major cardio wasn’t the culprit. What I was doing was a lot of CrossFit and other high intensity interval training.
One circuit in particular that whooped my behind was the Spartacus workout from The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises.
It’s pretty intense. Here’s what it consists of:
Spartacus Workout
60 second of each exercise, 3 rounds.
- Goblet Squat– I used a 15lb. weight.
- Mountain Climbers– I tried doing these as fast as I could for a minute straight…which is pretty brutal. By the second and third round I just did as many as I could.
- Single Arm Dumbbell Swings– I used 15lb. weights. I did 30 seconds with one arm then 30 seconds on the other.
- T-Pushups– Using 5lb. weights. These get really difficult!
- Split Jumps– So, it’s kinda been a while since I’ve done split jumps. I could definitely tell today, they were tough! My legs were on fire so I’m sure I’ll be super sore tomorrow.
- Dumbbell Rows– Used 10lb. weights.
- Dumbbell Side Lunges– Used 10lb. weights. I hate side lunges! They make me sore every time!
- Pushup Position Row– Used 5lb. weights.
- Dumbbell Lunge with Rotation– Used an 8lb. weight.
- Dumbbell Push Press- Used 8lb. weights.
(For more descriptions on the exercises, checkout a previous post here.)
Midway through the second set, I thought about only doing 2 rounds I was so tired! I managed to power through the third round but it wasn’t easy.
If you need to spice up your workout, definitely give this a try!
I always enjoy the workouts you post on your site. I steal some of the moves for my classes. Never seen the goblet squat. I love circuit workouts. They totally kick your butt!
I’ve heard this book is great. I love circuit workouts. They keep me distracted!
its really awesome i love it! it has lots of different circuits planned out for u and also has variations of every exercise imaginable…its really helpful!
I actually love that your workouts vary and you mix it up! Gives me a lot of great ideas for when I know I want to work out, but can’t decide what to do!