Last night I wanted to make a dinner that was delicious and simple. I’m still feeling a bit sick so honestly, I really wanted to order takeout. But I got myself to the store and picked up a few much needed items like chicken breasts. I’ve mentioned this before…but chicken can become so boring and bland. It’s hard to get motivated and exciting for a new chicken recipe. Unless it’s fried…it’s pretty much always the same.
In the new issue of Cooking Light, they mentioned a few stuffed chicken recipes. This inspired me to take things into my own hands and stuff those chick’s with the best ingredients around: cheese and garlic.
This was a “recipe” I totally winged. I honestly didn’t think I could go wrong with anything stuffed with cheese. First, I cut up some pepper jack cheese. I also chopped up 2 cloves of garlic to split between three chicken breasts.

Next was cutting the perfect slit in each chicken breast. I tried to make a “pocket” in each one to fit the cheese and chopped garlic. I did pretty well with 2 of them….one of them I cut straight through and didn’t even notice until putting it on the baking sheet when the cheese started falling out the other end. Oh well…should still taste good right?
Once the cheese was in the “chicken pocket,” I put 2 toothpicks through the pocket to kind of seal it up.
I put the chicken breasts on tin foil in a baking pan and sprinkled them with salt and pepper. I covered the chicken and baked it at 370 degrees for about 40 minutes.

The apartment smelled amazing!! Garlic and cheese mmm…

After the chicken was done, I put some Rotel cilantro, tomatoes, and lime juice salsa on top of it and served it with black beans and brown rice.
This turned out to be pretty good. It was a little spicy for me….next time I’ll be sure to buy the mild Rotel sauce…or maybe not use pepper jack cheese. If you like spicy then this is probably right up your alley! I’m a weenie when it comes to spice….but eaten with the rice it wasn’t too bad!!
Pretty simple, good meal. What’s your “go to” chicken meal?
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