Hey guys! So, as you know I’ve been trying to eat healthier and hopefully drop a couple lb.’s in the process. That being said, I’m not following any particular diet or being super restrictive with my calorie intake because I am still breastfeeding and don’t want to dry up!
My husband and I are pretty routine at night. We have dinner followed by dessert…some sort of dessert..every night. He loves ice cream (who doesn’t?) but obviously, I don’t want to stuff my face with Ben and Jerry’s on a daily basis…I mean, I do, but I shouldn’t. So, I decided to give Arctic Zero ice cream a try.
When I first picked this pint up, I assumed it was a scam because usually anything that seems too good to be true, is.
150 calories for that entire thing? Seems suspicious to me.
Seriously? How is that possible?
The list of ingredients isn’t horrific either.
Most of those ingredients I know or have seen before. The one I wasn’t familiar with was monk fruit concentrate which turns out is a sweetener made from the Chinese fruit of the same name. It seems to be the next up-and-coming “natural” sweetener (I put natural in quotes because I’m sure it’s processed in some way).
I, personally, like that Arctic Zero has whey protein added to it so at least there is a tiny bit of nutritional value.
There are multiple different flavors but I’ve only tried Cookies and Cream and Coffee. My favorite so far is coffee (I love coffee anything!). The thing about this “ice cream” is it’s more like an ice cream replacement. The texture is much different. It is not creamy like your typical Baskin Robbins scoop. I’m not sure how to describe the texture…more slushy like? I leave the ice cream out for a little bit to soften it up..it’s definitely better that way!
I had some coffee last night with a little Light Hershey’s syrup on top…yum!
So, here are my pro’s and con’s of Arctic Zero:
- calorie count and overall nutrition for a dessert-not bad
- tastes good (I read some people hate it so could go either way)
- good dessert replacement-satisfies the sweet tooth!
- price- this pint almost costs $5Β
- texture-not the same as ice cream
- processed- this is most definitely a highly processed food. The ingredients are straight forward, but I’m still skeptical because it just seems too good to be true.
I also read that The Today Show did a report on diet ice creams and found that this one in particular was actually under on their calorie count. The Today Show reported that in reality, Arctic Zero ice creams had about 46-68% more calories than they claimed. The company of course said their calorie count is correct…but who knows. (Here is the story).
Overall, I think it’s pretty good but there are definitely other desserts that are a healthier choice like fruit (lame) or banana soft serve. That, in my opinion, is the best. It does an awesome job replacing ice cream-it’s delicious and healthy! Perfect.
Some nights I’m just not in the mood to deal with a food processor. So on those nights, Arctic Zero will do just fine.
Have you tried Arctic Zero? Thoughts? If not, what’s your go-to dessert?
I just tried this Arctic Zero… I’m also skeptical of the processed ingredients. It does seem too good to be true. It is however a great substitute for the lactose intolerant. And I definitely agree with you that melting it is key. I’ll have to try the coffee kind!
Even though the packaging says it’s good for people with lactose intolerance, whey protein concentrate is made from milk and usually has substantial amounts of lactose. Maybe not as much as regular ice cream or ice milk or sherbet… but enough to cause digestive upset for those of us who are lactose intolerant!
I tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter. It was bland…sort of like eating ice cream with zero flavor. Definitely not worth the $5 price tag. I’m curious what the point is eating a “diet” ice cream if you are just going to put syrup on it. Seems counter productive to me. I will never buy this product again…..ever.
Tasted Horrible with a capital H.
doesnt even taste like cookies and cream. disappointed
I will never buy the product again either. I also tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter and it wasn’t very good. I thought it was odd that it said “Lactose Intolerant Friendly” on the front but there was a sticker on the back that said “Contains Milk”. It wasn’t a label that was on the actual container, it is pictured in one of the photos above and that one is also “Lactose Intolerant Friendly” It just doesn’t make sense to me.
It would be better for you to buy some low carb vanilla ice cream and add some powdered peanut butter to it, and some cocoa powder. Powdered peanut butter is way low in calories and taste pretty darn delicious. You can even buy organic powdered peanut butter.
Nothing beats out real ice cream π π but we know that one scoop is like calorie explosion. I have had artic zero and I am not too fond of it. It just doesnt taste the way I want my ice cream to taste, but always got to be thinking about calories.
where do you buy this brand?????
i bought it from the regular store actually but i know whole foods sells it too.
I bought the coffee flavored Arctic Zero and, I like it, ALOT! The flavor seems to develop more if it’s allowed time to soften up a little, so I sit it on the counter for about 10 minutes before eating.
It tastes just fine plain but, I like to add a squirt of Walden Farms zero calorie chocolatey syrup and I LOVE it!
I’ve read some mixed reviews about the texture. This is my first pint and the texture of this one is, in fact, creamy, imo. Not icy as others have described.
Half a cup, plus a tablespoon of chocolate syrup satisfies my insatiable sweet tooth. Even if the Today report is accurate, those extra calories are negligible compared to the calorie count of “real” ice cream.
I’ll definitely buy it again!
Is there any way to import this Ice Cream to South Africa, or is “Artic Zero Icecream” on the South African market already. Could one produce it under licence?
Please advise
I had tried a couple different flavors (chocolate peanut butter was one), and I didn’t really like them very much. Today, however, I was craving ice cream pretty bad and I saw it and decided to give it another shot since there was no saturated fat. I bought the vanilla maple one and let it thaw out a little first (which I hadn’t did previously), and it was actually very good. The after taste reminds me of the kind that you’re left with after consuming artificial sweeteners, which makes me nervous, and I also don’t think I trust how good it sounds. Something has to be up.
I bought the chocolate and cookies and cream. They were both terrible..Will definatley not buy again and find something else for a sweet treat..
I bought some yesterday and was super excited to try it and was disappointed. I tried the peanut butter chocolate and it had just an odd taste to it…almost bitter. Hard to describe the taste but needless to say I was crushed.
yeah its definitely not the same as ice cream…i guess if you can keep like, a super open mind it might be okay haha but its hard bc its expensive too. i havent bought it agan
Love the coffee flavor, but I have been unable to find it for the last two weeks.
Tried the peanut butter chocolate, maple vanilla, and chocolate. I like that it doesn’t make your mouth all mucousy like actual ice cream does, and will satisfy me if I’m desiring something cold. But… it still isn’t the same. I’ll still eat it cause it’s healthier.
Nuke it for 20-30 seconds and it becomes creamy but still solid…
I have been eating AZ for some time and really like it. The Mint Chocolate, Strawberry and Coffee are the best but cookie dough and peanut butter chocolate aren’t worth it.
The Maple is OK…..
Nothing beats real Ice Cream but this is the closest I’ve found. It keeps selling out in all the local stores here.
I do the same. I nuke it for 20 or so seconds. The Vanilla Maple is blah. Why not have just plain Vanilla?
This stuff if junk! Just eat the real thing if you want ice cream.
I found artic 0 today at grocery outlet for 99 cents! I was so excited! It is a bit bland but I add some slivered almonds and a bit OG melted almond butter and it’s delish!
Certainly not a Ben and Jerry’s clone. 150 calories sacrifices the overall experience as much as one would expect. The texture when softened is surprisingly creamy for a block of slush. The flavor is only just noticeable, and the sweetness level is perfect for someone who dislikes sugar. It truly warrants the label ‘ice cream substitute.’
All that said, it wasn’t bad. I’m glad I tried it, but I won’t get it again.
Oh! I was so excited to get this, hungry girl approved, I didn’t see the coffee flavor, at shop rite, but bought the chocolate mint,, peanut , andcookies and cream , all 3 were totally gross and coat 4.00 each. I’m going to kick it up and see what I can do. I used to buy the dream ice cream which was also 4.00 a pint and that was WAY better than arctic ice! That tastes like real ice cream ! I think the arctic ice would be good in frozen coffee drinks! I won’t buy this again, but if I find the coffee and it’s ok ill probably buy that
Holy goodness!!! Sooo delicious! I don’t know why everyone is complaining – it’s a diet friendly treat so of course it’s not going to taste like the full fat, full calories equivalent. If you have ever had water-ice, it’s very similar to that! Will definitely buy the mint chocolate flavor again! All the other flavors have been sold out here on island :/ . Stop Complaining and be greatful for such a delicious, lactose friendly treat π
Agree with Jenn.
That’s right!
Choc peanut butter……yuk…very bland…no choc taste…no peanut butter taste…
Personally, if I buy a pint of ice cream, I want to eat the whole thing! I like that I can eat the whole pint of Atic Zero! “Regular” ice cream just doesn’t currently fit into my diet. (I am prepping for a Figure competition.) I recently tried the Coffee flavor, and loved it! The Strawberry and Vanilla Maple flavors are nice as well. I’m hoping to stumble upon the Coconut and Orange Cream… Definitely try Artic Zero…and don’t think of it as ice cream. It’s not! π
I think its terrific, Ive been looking for an ice cream with not many calories,and this is only 150 calories a pint. Although it doesn’t taste like the real thing,Im happy its available. I buy it all the time.
I tried choc PB because I love them both. I was a bit disappointed. It was very bland and lil PB flavor. Vanilla maple wasn’t bad. Mint choc was ok… in the end u can’t go wrng with chocolate! U can always add ur own additives… I.e Pb. Granola. Etc..
Very disappointed!
I tried Arctic Zero for the first time last night, and I was mad at myself for buying it. I mean, a whole pint of “ice cream” at 150 cal can’t taste as great as a pint of Ben& Jerry’s, but Arctic Zero has no flavor:/ Plus, you get this minnimal glimbse of sweetness, which is just not enough if you want/crave ice cream. Next time I’m just going to buy regular ice cream, and spend extra hour at the gym afterwards lol π
I am eating it right now lol. I love the chocolate peanut butter. If you let it soften up, it tastes better.
I LOVE ARCTIC ZERO! Have been eating it regularly in place of sorbets (500 plus calories vs 150).
It tastes good to me. Chocolate is the best. I sprinkle mini chocolate chips on top. Coffee and mint chocolate chip, as well as strawberry, are all excellent.
I’m diabetic so I thought this might be a good alternative to ice cream because it is also low in carbohydrates. So I tried the chocolate peanut butter one,and I was kind of disappointed.I tasted no peanut butter, and it was not very chocolatey. It did not satisfy my sweet tooth. However I am going to try one again, just to make sure it wasn’t my taste buds that wasn’t working.
Just had the chocolate attic zero..melted my own natural peanut butter on top..delicious with few dark chocolate chips..
Apparently Artic Zone isn’t really 150 cal/pint. http://www.today.com/id/48596412/ns/today-today_news/t/rossen-reports-can-you-believe-diet-frozen-dessert-labels/#.U8HsVvldXAk
According to the newscast they’re well over the FDA regulations of calorie variance of 20 percent (which is still high). However I do still like the idea of using different sweeteners. It makes me want to try and make some at home so that I can better control calories. Whey protein (I’ve seen organic grass fed kinds) and lower calorie alternative sweeteners and flavors… and I’d love to try other protein sources like brown rice, hemp etc if I want a vegetarian approach.
I sprinkle mine with a tbsp PB2 powder and a little pink salt. It sounds kinda weird but it is delish!!! I have also sprinkled SF pistachio pudding powder (or your favorite flavor)YUM!!
I found this in the ice cream section at my local big box grocery store…and found it delicious! I’m lactose intolerant and have fructose malabsorption (meaning I can’t process fructose or its derivatives sucralose or sucrose very well).
This ice cream substitute is a great alternative for those with dietary restrictions. Given I’ve been conditioned to avoid high fructose and lactose containing foods, having something sweet I can eat may color my opinion. I still find it palatable and will buy it again.
just bought pint of coconut ARCTIC ZERO..it cost 5.99!!!!
don’t like texture.
and didn’t make my mouth and stomach happy.
wouldn’t bother with it at half the price.
prefer my non fat greek yogurt with fruit and/or cinnamon/vanilla and a bit of sugar…
I was at sprouts today looking for a low calorie ice cream. Came across this and was really skeptical about it. i bought it and it was delicious!
when it comes to low calorie food substitutes, people should not expect it to taste like the real thing. So i was open minded about the flavor and found it amazing. I would say the chocolate flavored pint is equivalent to the taste of blending ice, water, and chocolate whey protein.
and i do believe it is only 150 calories because this ice cream is really light and it is not dense at all. it tastes just like whey protein and ice. i ate a whole pint before the gym and it was really light in my stomach.
I’m surprised at all of the disappointment with this product. I love it! Especially the chocolate. Only drawback to me is the price.
I tried both the chocolate mint and chocolate peanut butter. I didn’t expect it to be creamy or taste like ice cream so I tried it with an open mind. First, you MUST let it thaw out and melt a bit before eating otherwise it crumbles and reminds me of ice milk. Once melted, I took the chocolate peanut butter one and scooped in a Tbsp of Better N Peanut Butter (only 50 cal for 1 Tbsp) (I bought it at Trader Joes) and then added a small squeeze of sugar free chocolate syrup in it and mixed it up like Cold Stone Creamy style! It only added a few more calories and it tasted yummy! For the chocolate mint flavor I added a small amount of the sugar free chocolate syrup and a tsp of mini chocolate chips and mixed it together – it was also really good! If you buy it and expect it to taste like real ice cream, save your money. If you are like me, and just want to enjoy some dessert with little calories, then go for it and be creative – you can add some low cal toppings and it will satisfy you. I buy it at Price Chopper near my house and it costs about $4 when its on sale.
It’s enabling me to stay off the real thing, which was packing on the pounds. I add some chocolate chips to it. Tastes good to me. I ate some last night and still weighed less this morning.
Does anyone realize that this stuff causes extraordinary gas? You’re eating air…gulping air spoon after spoon until you are so bloated…
-Vanilla Maple: Thought it tasted like soap :/ (0 stars)
-Cookies & Cream: Pretty decent for caloric intake, will try adding sugar free syrup π (2 stars**)
-Purchased at Publix, Wal-Mart, & God’s Green Acre health food store
-Cannot find any other flavors except Mint Chocolate Chip, which smelt weird to me
-Wants to try Coffee !!!! Pumpkin Spice, & Sea Salt Caramel (some are seasonal, can purchase online in bulk)
-Wanted to try Chocolate Peanut butter, yet so many bad reviews :((
I like Arctic Zero a lot! It is perfect for those times when I need to eat light but am craving something special in a larger volume. The First time, I had chocolate peanut butter which is a little disappointing (just a hint of pb) but a year later I tried it again and I really like cookies and cream and mint. Even the pb is good. I just had lowered expectations, better flavors, and I really really appreciate having this dessert option. Compared to nothing, it is mighty special!
I agree! I gotta try pb!
Just realized after a few pints of it that the chocolate peanut butter doesn’t have any peanut butter flavor. But, it is a great chocolate flavor π
Try Halo Top for a better low calorie ice cream! It is better than real ones and it is real. Whole foods sells it..
In my opinion the best tasting flavors are the Orange Cream and Chocolate Peanut Butter. The Orange Cream mixed with vanilla whey isolate protein tastes really good. As for the Chocolate Peanut Butter, it tastes good when mixing in some chocolate whey isolate and a bit of natural peanut butter. The texture is similar to a Wendy’s frosty but not as sweet.
Sounds delicious!
436 pitchercane rd I think this stuff tastes absolutely amazing,all you people that are giving it bad reviews
Reviews apparently are picky.I have nothing negative to say about it,the chocolate,cookie shake,vanilla maple and strawberry tastes like the real thing to me.the chocolate peanut butter and coffee, Are less satisfying. But still good.the down side is the cost.I could spend 100.00 on it in no time since it’s 5.50 a pint where I live,but it helps tremendously with my weight loss effort
Well good for you who all buy into the “diet” world by buying this product. I wish I haven’t bought into many things in my life and this is one. I guess thats why there are different products. Even being health focused this is one item I will go quality with more calories.
It’s definitely, not creamy and rich like regular ice cream. But, it helps fill the sweet-tooth desire; with low calories
My husband said the products smell like mold. I don’t notice any smell.
The cookies and cream is okay, but the color is gross. Gray ice cream??
The price is outrageous.
I have to say it is the worst thing I have ever eaten. The after taste is the worst. If I have to pay $4.99 for a pint of ice cream and then have to add stuff to it to make it taste better, I will go without.
I recently purchased a few containers of arctic zone after reading the reviews and I was incredibly let down. It doesn’t taste like ice cream at all. It has the texture of a cream Italian ice but had the flavor of artificially flavored cardboard, not to mention, it’s over $5 in New York. I had everyone at my office try it and they all said the same thing
The second the container was opened, it smelled strongly of chemicals. I did not even try it after that
Salted Caramel is to die for. FYI: no matter what the flavor, let it sit out and soften a bit before eating. The flavor intensifies!!!!!! All flavors are good but salted caramel is the best!!!!
Totally agree- I have some sitting out now π
i get why everyone doesnt like the texture, but its so low in calorie you can do anything with it..
I bought the caramel one and im having it right now in my breakfast smoothie…it is amazing..i put half cup caramel arctic zero (40cal) soy milk (40cal) frozen banana (100cal) cinamon (10cal) so simple but this arctic stuff is amazing in smoothies…i want to get the coffee one so i can make iced coffees with it π
i purchased Arctic after hearing it was a healthy dessert. The fact that it said Gluten Free & Lactose Intolerant Friendly made me want to try it even more. I was getting much stomach upset and nausea after trying to digest this processed ice cream. I guess at the time I thought Whey Protein was good, however, it is the WPC(a whey Protein Conentrate). It is made from milk and it is NOT digestible. I feel like I have been scammed into thinking this stuff is really lactose friendly and it’s not. Not a happy consumer.
I’ve tried the cookie one, the peanut butter one and now the chocolate. I really like it….great treat if you’re watching your…well…everything! I’ll admit- I put a small amount of honey on top, but it’s great. Definitely take out about 10 minutes before you eat and it’s great.
Oh- I forgot to mention….so far, the chocolate is my favorite π
I never expected it to taste like ice cream so I think it’s great. Low calories, low sugar and low carbs makes it taste good enough!! Very satisfying for my nightly sweet tooth!
I’m a Halo Top Ice Cream lover. When my best friend told me about Arctic…I was skeptical but decided to give it a try. It’s no comparison in Halo’s creaminess but it’s not bad at all.
Pro’s are….the flavor selection. Halo only has a few flavor but, again, oh so good and only double the Weight Watchers points and calories. Arctic seemed pretty bland at first but then I decided to make it fun and drizzle just a teaspoon over the half a cup I choose to limit myself to at a time. Then…I grind up either almonds or walnuts making them almost powdery so it spreads and you use just a small amount.. only 1 WW point and ZERO if you keep the DARK chocolate syrup to a teaspoon. It really is yummy on the Toasted Coconut…and the Salted Carmel.
People who are set in their ways are against anything low calorie but we health conscious folks that like to stay shapely appreciate these options. Thanks, Arctic! I picked it up at Sprout’s on sale for $3.99 and I’m going back to get 3 more:)
I’m honestly surprised to see people dislike this product so much! You can’t expect it to taste just like ice cream at only 35 (or so) calories per serving! I’ve had the chocolate peanut butter and the vanilla maple so far and I liked them both. Of course its not the same as ice cream but it satisfies my craving just fine. If you let it get a little soft the texture is more like ice cream. If you eat it as soon as you take it out of the freezer its more like a sorbet. You don’t feel guilty and you can eat the whole pint if you want to. I love it π I want to try all the flavors but the Whole Foods near me only have had those two so far. I am going to do more research to see about this false calorie claim though.
A co-worker & friend lost100+lbs. after she was diagnosed with diabetes . Every night she & her husband split a container & add berries & light whipped cream (real). It satisfies their sweet tooth, she is so strict about her sugar she won’t eat any fruit other than berries. I found some AZ on sale at a local store. I brought it to work, so it was tempered when we tried it. We couldn’t believe how good it was. Because we don’t have a freezer, I left it in the frig. It was fine for a while, but when it melted too much, it was gross! I got some more the next day & made my mom a chocolate coffee shake. I added coffee concentrate & chocolate almond spread & a little coconut water. She is elderly & needs the calories but not the sugar. She loved it! She hasn’t finished a glass of anything in years’ she asked for another the next day! Don’t think of it like ice cream & you won’t be disappointed!
I have been able to find a few flavors; the chocolate I love, the vanilla maple I hate, I would like to find the butter pecan, the orange dream and the strawberry. The cost is too high, but if it will help me stay away from sugary and fat-filled ice cream, it’s worth it.
Most of the flavors cannot be found in my area. The only ones that I’ve found here is Maple Vanilla and Cookies and Cream. Where are all the other flavors?
The individual pops are very good.
The chocolate peanutbutter was as others stated..pretty awful/ tasteless.
However I think the suggested recipes above are worth trying as well as allowing to soften a bit before eating..Downside for me: I like very cold/frozen ice cream!- it is a largest part of the appreciation of ice cream.
I will try one or 2 of the other flavors such as coffee before saying goodbye to the product.
Thanks all.
GROSS. The ice had no flavor. Not even close to ice cream. Wasted $4.50. Threw in trash. Will never buy this brand again.
I have diabetes and heart problems. I was looking for a low carb low sugar alternative to “real ice cream” definitely this is not ice cream and should not be labeled as such nor are all the flavors pleasing or taste like what it is suppose to taste like. For example the peanut butter has no taste of peanut butter. The best in my opinion is the chocolate and orange cream I put a little walden farms chocolate syrup and a dob of fat free reddi whip and it’s fine. Cool and refreshing. Yes it is expensive but any healthy product or food usually is. I gladly pay the price for better health and an alternative to high fat high sugar product. I see reference to Halo ice cream but when you read the label it’s higher in calories. Sugar cholesterol all if which contributes to heart disease. Since I already had a heart attack. No thank you. Artic zero ice may not be perfect and hoping with these comments the manufacturer will try to tweek the product to make it reflect the flavors , I will continue to purchase artic zero I just hope more store begin to carry the product because I have to travel to purchase
This was my first experience with Arctic zero. I needed an ice cream fix with my low carb diet. I bought the salted caramel.
I make chocolate black bean brownies with stevia and they always leave me wanting. I have tried yogurt, but it’s not satisfying.
Tonight I found Arctic Zero, and I sliced a black bean brownie, and then put a little dollop of cream cheese icing (I first blend stevia to powder and mix with low fat cream cheese). I put the arctic Zero on my scale, weighing in ML, so I would weight 120 ML of Arctic zero. When I got to 100ML I stopped because it seemed like a lot.
I can tell you, as a cake and ice cream lover, I was in heaven. This is my go to desert from now on. I can actually get 5 servings from a pint at about 28 calories
That sounds amazing!!
Their newer flavors have a creamier texture. The toasted coconut is supperrrr creamy. Give it another try, I think their recipe has improved a little. Or try Halo Top as another ice cream alternative.
havent tried halo top yet. i dont think my grocery store has it? i want to try it though!
Mix up some powered peanut butter with some cashew milk add a tablespoon of unsweetened extra dark Hershey’s cocoa and pour it over the chocolate peanut better one. Yum. Still way lower calories than the real.
THE COOKIE DOUGH CHIP IS THE BOMB! So far it’s the ONLY flavor I can eat AS IS…and love. The price is off putting but worth it to be able to have ice cream.
I also just ate the 300 calorie Arctic zero cookie dough and chocolate chip!! Awesome I can’t believe it is only 300 calories….really… I ate the whole pint?
I recently got my hand’s on Arctic Zero’s “Orange Dream” Sherbert, when i pulled it out of the freezer to give it a taste i expected a rich creamy taste of one of my favorite deserts as a kid, minus the calories. However when i put that spoon in my mouth…i tasted absolutely nothing. It just felt like i put flavorless creamy nothing in my mouth, and it wasn’t even the pleasant kind of creamy! It made me wrinkle my nose in disgust and put the pint back in the freezer after only one spoonful, which is something i’ve never done in my life since as long as i can remember. After that horrifying taste i think i will go back to eating pint’s packed full of calories if only to get the flavor back! (and the smooth creamy texture that leaves me happy… not wrinkling my nose in disgust!)
Try Halo Top ice cream! Around 240 calories for the whole pint, real ingredients, and it tastes good and like ice cream!
Halo top is amazing!
I have questions I recently bought the cookie dough I the calories say 300cal’s but I weight it and my fitnesspal say it 190cal’s ???
I would weigh it in grams and go off what their nutrition stats say.
a lot of ingredients that I never heard of.
Looks like its pretty much processed.
yep, it is!
I purchased the Butter Pecan and the Salted Caramel. I’m on a dairy restricted, red meat restricted diet (LDL was 198) So to me everything now tastes blad. This desert treat is pretty good. You do have to let it melt a bit (microwaves are just great for that) for the flavor to reach it’s peak. The texture can be a bit of a turn off. It was or me but I knew I couldn’t got back to ice cream to I just determined myself to get use to it it’s pretty expensive but worth it to me if it allows me to stick to this new diet
After reading all the comments wasn’t sure I wanted to try, but some were saying salted caramel was good…so I gave it a try… so glad I did…. sooo delicious! On sale for only 3.49 @ staterbros. Stock up price!!!