That’s right…sweet hummus. Have you every tried this? I personally think it really works and is delicious. I find myself eating it with a spoon but also serve it with sliced fruit. I love it, but my kids like it too so it’s a win-win.
I’ve made maple hummus before (recipe here) but this time around, used less sugar. My first time I used maple syrup AND a little brown sugar, this time just maple syrup. I also added natural peanut butter instead of sweetened pb so overall, the sugar content should be lower.
It is definitely sweet enough for me, but by all means, if you want it sweeter, add more maple syrup or even a little brown sugar.
Sweet Maple Hummus
- 1 can of chickpeas, rinsed, and germs taken off
- 2 Tbsp. of maple syrup
- 2 Tbsp. of natural peanut butter
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Add all the ingredients to a high speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
My advice would be to taste along the way. If you like more cinnamon, add a little more, maybe a dash of vanilla, possibly nutmeg, more/less sugar, etc. Lots of possibilities!
Easy peasy.
I’ve also made pumpkin pie hummus in the past and that is delicious too. I’m tellin’ ya, sweet hummus is where it’s at. My husband was grossed out by the idea but then he tried it and agreed it was tasty :). He’e usually a hater so you know it tastes good if he likes it!
This is great way to get some more fiber into my kids diets too. If I can get them to dip apple or pear into the hummus, that is a perfectly healthy snack. Makes for a happy momma.
Have you tried sweet hummus? Do you ever make your own? Any fun flavors?
ooooh a sweet hummus? now that sounds good!
THIS SOUNDS AMAZING. I love the idea of dipping apples into it. I could see myself having this year round, but I’m so intrigued by the pumpkin pie version too!
Just made this. Delicious! Can’t wait to try it on toasted homemade bread with onion marmalade 🙂
that sounds so good!